
“I hope you’re never in the fucking position I’m in.”

That position being, refusing to protect yourself and others from a deadly pandemic, at the expense of your career, and then acting like YOU’RE the victim?

Thankfully, I will never be in the fucking position you’re in.

Does Taylor Swift bear any responsibility for her fans encroaching on a friend’s special day?

Every accusation a confession with these assholes.

we are talking about the same dude who spends millions of dollars helping blind kids see again, right?

Killing your own voters to own the libs... is a strategy.

Because “small town” is just a dog whistle for a sundown town.

Based on “facts”

As a piece of software, Bluesky is fine. Its creators are trying, and they’re getting somewhere. Good features are coming in. As a platform, Bluesky is questionable - its philosophies on moderation seem surprisingly naïve for something formed out of Twitter.

Declaring it a slur is ridiculous.”

You should have stopped right there. You were so close.

“But keep in mind that this is only the first step. They’re using AI art in a way where they can justify its deficiencies as a creative choice and say that they aren’t really taking work from human artists because they wanted it to look bad, actually. The next time won’t be this obvious or as brazen.”

This. Over

I’m almost certain that what happened is that an exec at Marvel said “AI art is trendy and super cheap, let’s use that in something” and then the justifications about Secret Invasion involving spies and shapeshifters and questions about what is real were shoehorned in afterwards. The exec may not have even known how

They’re using an AI generator here because the characteristic fucked-up way that it tends to render human subjects is artistically appropriate to the themes of the show.

...we just don’t need the word outside of trans-related topics of discussion.

I’m going to start using “Walkingdude” as a slur.

He’s kind of right - cis-gender is a group designation with negative connotations that is most often used to criticize and condemn.

I’ve owned three Logitech F710s and they are by far the worst controllers I’ve ever used - sending ghost D-pad/analog stick presses, constantly disconnecting. For the record, though, I don’t think the controller is to blame.

You don’t know why people are slamming the use of a $40 aftermarket toy, mass-produced to be as inexpensive as possible, powered by AA batteries, as a critical life support feature? Really?

And what is it when someone forgoes sarcasm entirely and just calls you a coward and a lickspittle directly to your face?

The “men” throwing kicking and screaming tantrums over not having 100% of representation are the same ones who insist representation doesn’t matter.

Boo fucking hoo. There’s no good reason to go back to office, and your real estate prices are especially not a good reason.