Giving someone a stage and microphone is not an endorsement.
Giving someone a stage and microphone is not an endorsement.
That is completely untrue.
Yeah, no. Paradox of Intolerance pretty neatly refutes this argument.
The AV Club comes out in favor of censorship.
So censorship and deplatforming are fine, so long as it is not the government offering it?
“If you BELIEVE in freedom of speech as a crucial democratic principle and not just a matter of point scoring for your ‘side,’ then you should believe everyone gets to have their voice heard—and yes, I mean EVERYONE.”
I believe in freedom of speech in the sense that the government should not put their thumb on the scale and decide who gets the right to speak. That is dangerous for any number of reasons and that’s why it’s prohibited in the Constitution.
No one on the right actually believes in free speech. They only believe in freedom from consequences for themselves and those with likeminded opinions. The idea that they have any kind of moral or logical high ground on this issue is laughable. As is the idea that anyone—be it a university, a traditional media outlet,…
The full context does not make it any better. He interprets some poll as proof that a majority of Black people have anti-White beliefs, calls them a hate group for it and says White people should stay away from Black people and that that’s why he lives in an area with little to no Black people.
I’m pretty sure that the person you’re replying to is arguing that WB bought a license because it is a well established franchise with many fans. This part:
It’s not really “looking for reasons” when Rowling has very publicly made those statements…but this is all spoken like someone who probably has never had to deal with comments like these directed and them. Must be nice.
And who do you think inspires people to commit those murders, who shifts those people’s worldviews enough that they make the decision that a trans person’s life isn’t valid?
People aren’t “looking for reasons” to be angry. People are rightfully angry over transphobia, and this game is based on the franchise created by one of the world’s most visible transphobes. And fuuuuuuuuuck you and your stance of “ignore it and it’ll go away”. That’s not how social change works. The trans community…
and she celebrates every single time that happens.
I’d say it’s impressive to see someone so dedicated to posting on a site he so clearly despises... but it’s not. It’s not even laughable. It inspires nothing more than the same kind of resigned shrug as seeing your neighbour let his dog shit against a lamp post.
That moment where the brass band music changes from a melancholy funeral march to a “WE COMIN” march
The moment when the two marching bands converge, pause briefly, then pick up their pace as they march towards the troopers in the riot gear. I mean, yeesh, who would’ve thought a marching band scene in a Star Wars show would be that chill inducing?
Also gotta love that Brasso got to clock some stormtroopers with Maarva’s Brick! What a send-off. Her actual bodily remains got to punch some fascists.
Honestly, I was about to be thrilled that a scowling villain would get trampled to death by those they had oppressed.
It’s not an informed choice if you’re being influenced by those spouting misinformation that could get you killed.