Cognitive test =/= IQ test. Acing it doesn’t make you a genius. It means you probably don’t have dementia. You should not be bragging that people were very surprised you passed.
Cognitive test =/= IQ test. Acing it doesn’t make you a genius. It means you probably don’t have dementia. You should not be bragging that people were very surprised you passed.
There’s your fucking intent. You spend over eight minutes ignoring someone telling you to let them breathe... that’s intent to kill.
I am constantly amazed at how many nurses have no business being nurses.
So 2 cops killed a guy and it took 5 months to find them innocent even with video evidence of them abusing the victim.
Can anyone explain how holding someone’s nose while a baton is in the mouth helps anyone?! If this was an overdose or someone swallowed drugs, why nose-holding and baton and not Narcan™? You’re not even supposed to put anything in the mouth of someone having a seizure.
If you mean people who support BLM and equality, and think that abusive and murderous (read criminal) cops should be prosecuted and jailed appropriately... we’re not necessarily on the left.
why a police vehicle should be held responsible for running over someone
Jesus the racist ass grey response to your essay is disgusting
In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS.
His username is “KotakuInAction” which is also the name of a subreddit for extremely online types to get together and bitch about it being a home for SJWs and shit. He’s already got a marble for a brain
da edgemasta has logged on
I am tired of this bull. The federal government does not want to admit they screwed up so they are going to double-down on the hoax of “everything will be okay if we ignore it” line.
Remember the 9/11 first responders fund and the required paperwork to even qualify? It's almost as if they don't want anyone to apply!
The thing is, we know all of this already. People who knew Trump long before his TV show warned us. People who knew him while the show was on warned us. People warned us when he started the birther bullshit. People warned us when he started running. While the tea is lovely, this is yet one more person telling us what…
“I reacted emotionally and made false assumptions about his intentions . . . .”
He doesn’t even hate black people, he just hate the sites since they greyed him years ago. He told me he doesn’t believe the crap he posts. He’s just shitposting to try to piss people off. Never respond, just dismiss. Don't repost his comments, he likes it when people read his stuff and get mad.
They found them and then some. LOL.
I hope they get some nice post cards.
Well, that gives him about a total of 12 votes, and that’s including Kanye, Candace, Ben and Candy, Tim Scott, and about 7 of the ashiest negros there are.
It’s pretty hard for me to not believe based on their previous behavior that this is nothing more than an attempt to pull both black (at least the ones who havent dropped him) voters and the tesla voters away from Biden in order to keep Trump in office. I mean I wouldnt be surprised if theyve been spending too much…
It’s nice to cover a tweet.