
Which is what I said. This plan isn’t for everyone and both MoviePass and Sinemia offer cheaper plans for people who don’t go as often.

So what you're saying is basically what I said at the end of my comment? This plan isn't for everyone and they should stick with a 3 movies per month plan if they go that little? 

If it takes three trips to break even why would you have to see an insane amount of movies for this to make sense? Anything over three movies saves you cash. You can go once a week and you’re coming out ahead.

Do you like aliens? Because if so you need to read Vostok, a side novel featuring a different character that takes place at the same time as the novel that features time travel in the Meg series. Oh, it's also where the time travel bit comes from

I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.”

That's the one! And it is one of the more "meh" creatures that eventually appears in the series. A series that manages to work in time travel eventually.

Potential spoiler:

Did I mention anarchy? Why is it the moment anyone says let’s get rid of law enforcement in its current form some moron immediately jumps to “wow, it’ll be anarchy”.

Why not? The system is clearly flawed when it comes to policing as it inherently discriminates against non-whites and that’s a bias that won’t go away without starting entirely from scratch.

Literally no one who supports her believes they’ll get any of this for free. We all understand how taxes work and spoiler: most of us would prefer our taxes be spent to ensure universal healthcare and better education for all than tax breaks for the rich to get richer or continue fighting bullshit wars.

They only changed the service for new subscribers. If you are part of the group that signed up for the year in advance either via Costco or MoviePass itself before March or April (whenever they made it a monthly subscription) your service is unchanged in regards to surge pricing.

I am one with the blob, the blob is with me. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Night-Watchman is right, everyone. The people working at the facilities are not comparable to Nazis. No, they’re more comparable to Nazi collaborators.

Donate to RAICES, LUPE, and NETARGV. I’m in South Texas and these are the places fighting back and helping in regards to all this. Please share that info with anyone who needs it.

You, sir or ma’am, can go fuck yourself. Entering the country illegally is literally a fucking misdemeanor offense. It is on par with jaywalking or stealing a candy bar from beside the register at a grocery store.

I mean I get where you’re coming from but yeah glitches happen. The problem is that they get their listings from I forget what source, so if that source includes things in their feed then they show up in the app. That’s also why sometimes you’ll go into the app and see no listings for a given day at a specific

Like I said, it’s a glitch. Sometimes my history is empty, sometimes it’s a few days behind and doesn’t show the last movie or two I’ve watched. Glitches happen. But you’ve still seen it and their database reflects that. Even if your in app history doesn’t reflect what their database does.

Also sometimes there’s issues on both iOS and Android devices where the stub won’t submit. You either have to uninstall/reinstall the app, downgrade to an older version, etc. It’s quite the hassle. So yeah, I will agree it’s weird to want to roll it out to more users when they still have issues.

In the Terms of Service at this very moment it says no repeat viewings. So it’s definitely just a glitch in app. The MoviePass subreddit has a mod who tries to help with questions like this. He’s the one who pointed out where in the ToS it says that.

What tricks would this be? The Terms of Service are very clear about what is and isn’t allowed.