I'm sorry, but this comment kept popping up on XDA and was being removed by the mods there.
I'm sorry, but this comment kept popping up on XDA and was being removed by the mods there.
This has to be his best, most batshit insane promo ever. I will not hear a word saying otherwise.
Alan, you forgot to mention that if you drop the $2 for the Pro version you also gain the ability to gift two Pro copies to two people you know. Definitely a plus.
Earbits is awesome! I can't remember how I stumbled across it but I've dug it ever since doing so.
There was one mentioned on XDA awhile back. It's called Don't Pause. And you can get the free version here or the pro version here.
Listen to the Titus Podcast. It's called Lion Day and I for one support the idea.
Lol. Well, congratulations! Hopefully that fixes the issue(s) you were having.
Go to Settings then Apps and then scroll over to All. Once you're there, find the app you want to "turn off" and just click on Disable. It'll give you a warning about disabling apps and affecting other things, just click Okay (or something to that effect).
Oh, didn't you hear? The Secret Service paid him a visit after that little public outburst. Can you guess what Mr. Badass Tough As Shit Ted Nugent did at that point? About shit his pants and backtrack on the whole thing. "I was just kidding," is a close summation of his stance during the visit.
Isn't that how it always is though? I've had some serious accidents with my Nexus 4 when I was using it and not a scratch. I'm walking up to my friend's house and it slips out of my hand about waist height and falls on her driveway. Bye bye case. I mean it royally went to hell, I had to replace it that same day.…
Eek. That sucks. In that case I'm glad I had a sweet screen protector and a very nice case on mine.
Ah. I kinda thought for a second you just out and out wanted a replacement phone, which is why I mentioned the suggestion. As in "I can't afford to replace my Nexus 4" to which I meant "That's right! But you can get the cheaper Moto G at a fraction of the price!"
Moto G for $149 or $179.
I'd say so, but growing up the only place I ever heard that was from Firefly.
That's the original quote, but the line "a special level of hell" is definitely a subtle Firefly reference.
Naturally, every other word out of my mouth according to most people is the word "fuck". Or a variation of it.
That's the price of doing business, there's no guarantee of income or even customers and if you can't compete with someone who can undercut your prices then that's your problem not theirs.
Not sure about set top box, but I know someone released an app to do so to Chromecast from your phone. Check it out, Web2Cast. I was on the fence about getting the app, but since I just upgraded to 1 TB of storage on Drive I'll definitely be checking it out this afternoon when I get home.
Because of what you did pewpstank. Because of what you did.