That's the price of doing business, there's no guarantee of income or even customers and if you can't compete with someone who can undercut your prices then that's your problem not theirs.
That's the price of doing business, there's no guarantee of income or even customers and if you can't compete with someone who can undercut your prices then that's your problem not theirs.
Not sure about set top box, but I know someone released an app to do so to Chromecast from your phone. Check it out, Web2Cast. I was on the fence about getting the app, but since I just upgraded to 1 TB of storage on Drive I'll definitely be checking it out this afternoon when I get home.
Because of what you did pewpstank. Because of what you did.
Well Netflix is legal, but it's lacking in a great many areas. Namely what's available at any given moment, that's due to licensing restrictions and negotiations and all that, but it's largely a point in favor of why illegal options will always surpass the legal ones. If you can't give the people what they want…
The thing is though regardless of where it gets its content, it's not necessarily illegal everywhere. Downloading copyrighted material for personal use is in fact legal in quite a few places. The one I think of right off the top of my head is the Netherlands.
Stare at the wall. Works for me. I pick a spot, stare at it til my eyes start losing focus on the edges of what I'm staring at, as in things get dark, and I keep staring no matter what. It helps to blank your mind first though, should be noted. And by the time the blackness has reached the point on the ceiling I've…
I think it should be added that "for the love of god, what you see in television and movies about drug use is NOT true for the most part and keep that in mind when discussing drugs". I've seen only a handful of television episodes or movies that actually portrayed drug use in a realistic manner. This mostly relates to…
I think everyone needs to calm down about the list. Put simply, you're all reading this wrong.
Sign him up for more he says. You want it, you got it!
Sign him up for more he says. You want it, you got it!
I just realized my faux pas of putting that video up. Sorry about that. : /
Oh man, The Heavy kicks so much ass. I would miss them if I couldn't listen to them regularly.
I just read your comment/the lyrics and then I heard the guitar riff in my head once I finished the words.
Just read the rest. Very awesome! I'd been wondering if we were gonna get a "how/where we work" from you soon. Dig your writing style too by the way, in case I've never mentioned it (and for what some random person online's two bits counts for).
I got that same screen protector! I love it. Question. Are you having issues since putting it on? I've noticed since I did that the top corner areas of my phone are kinda hard to just tap on. I need to actually hit them a few times to get the touch to register. Not that it's a big issue, I just found it kinda odd. The…
I got the Moto X myself last weekend, I'm a bit picky about cases. I like slim and light but protective and that look good. I really couldn't find anything that I was happy with, but after doing some searching I ended up with one that reminded me of the Fusion Hybrid (which was the last case I had on my now no longer…
He'd totally never realize the depth inside the box doesn't seem to match up with the size of the box. /s
You can actually do this with this app. You do, however, have to make sure the tab running Google Music is the main one. Meaning the one you're actually open to, not running in another tab in the background.
I'm guilty of that myself. I'll just ignore it. Then again, I'm also a power user, so I'll usually ask people to resend it, email it or just tell me what it was. When it's happened to me it's usually been related to having a bad signal. The moment my signal (mobile or WiFi) gets good again the pic will come through…