
Mike, obviously.

Methinks the Ley-dy doth protest too much.

The joke is that there was news this morning that McGregor “agreed to terms with Dana White” on said fight and was reported by places like ESPN in a tone that suggested this was a major step in the fight happening, when in reality McGregor is already under contract with White and his having to agree to however many

I’ve always been annoyed that the Trolley Dodgers went to the giant city and the Giants went to the trolley city.

A guy who worked for me a few years ago lied to me about his ill grandfather dying. After he used his bereavement time, he had to come to me a few weeks later and fess up because he didn’t have any more bereavement, sick or vacation time to use for the wake/funeral after the guy actually died.

No idea but I hope it was enough to ease his conscience*.

Banana Slugs being a shitty team name is a bad, bad take.

Um, if it had nothing to do with the city, then why is the T-Rex short for Torontosauras Rex, idiot.

I will never understand people who write a question like that into a comment section instead of just typing SR71 into Google. Puzzling.

dammit they took my freakin kidney

It will help guide our way to Candy Mountain, Charlieeeeeee.

Mansplaining is a sexist term. Oh shit, I just mansplained, didn’t I?

I slept in classrooms. Nobody ever treated it like an accomplishment.

Jeb screws up again. he was supposed to buy the MLB team BEFORE running for President.

“The only way San Antonio or Miami don’t win the championship is if neither team makes the finals.” - Magic Johnson

I wouldn’t be so sure. If we’re talking about the recent Revis coverage, really anyone could be behind it.