
oh my god i give up then. hand me the hot-pockets.

Cat Marnell seemed impressed.

Thanks for your snarky comment, but the poor in this period are subjected to high sugar, high carb chemical laden food, cheap enough so we don't have to see them starve. Work on your critical thinking skills, or maybe read more than you 'contribute' on the internet.

I think a core lack of understanding on behalf of Kang is that obesity in this country is heavily (haha) tied to socioeconomic status. Being healthy in this county is expensive. Knowing how to cook a well rounded meal and how to circuit train is something of a luxury to grow up knowing.
When you have little money and

I was expecting this to be a lot longer... but his fuck ups are daunting to document...

Rape: the only crime where the victim is put on trial.

The sort of thing I always imagined my favorite Beetle designing...

Thank you for saving me the typing. Exactly.

"Kanye wants Kim to lose about 20 lbs. by going on Beyonce's Dreamgirls liquid cleanse" Every Halloween, people look at candy corn as if they had never seen it before.

Thousands of toxic chemicals...

Why do people still think it's the fat that makes things less healthy? As long as there is sugar in it you will get fat, fat does not make you fat, fat is fuel - sugar is a toxin.

Oh man Jez, y'all gonna crash the Gawker server with this article... haha.

DYING laughing right now

I seem to remember in the 90's when she had just become popular, MTV did a 'day with Gwen' type special and followed her to the gym. She reluctantly got on the treadmill and explained she didn't ever need to work out before but her label made her do it, or something to that effect (this was 15 years ago so not a

Pictures of views from the top of a giant skyscraper make my adrenalin spike hard.

These things, a theme stretching back, are beginning to seem less like something macabre and arbitrarily 'anti-woman' as I supposed in my early 20's - and was so militantly angry about.
