
So if she experienced so much pain and was so ostracized by this woman as a kid that she had to go through therapy, why would she inflict that same degree of pain on a completely innocent 3rd party? Is her pain special? Should these children turn around and tech their future children to do that to her future

"However just because we have a more traditional marriage does not mean I do not make my own decisions. As you can see just in this one episode, I chose to wear the dress I wanted, not the dress that was Jim's first choice."

This is so much more valuable to developing countries that female birth control, just because a man's wife/partner is using contraception does not mean he is using it with other partners. I hope this moves forward, when and if it is proven safe.

It's not like she wrote the song or came up with the idea of the video. Why not blame Bauer Media, Viacom etc. who are her vehicles, or Shama Joseph, Timothy & Theron Thomas and Shontelle Layne who wrote it, or Anthony Mandler who directed it?

"Since Jez does not appear to have a copyeditor"

I'm going to get so much shit for this -

This is relevant to me for the first time in my adult life after losing upwards of 70 pounds over the winter. I am in the exciting position of being able to wear a bikini and be proud, in a sense, of the work I put into myself and my health, but am a little upset that I have spent so many years being mortified of any

When I stopped ingesting sugar a while back I had to include milk with only occasional use of full-fat cream, as milk has a good deal of lactose (milk sugar) in it and is a processed food. Add high fructose corn syrup and you're not really doing anyone any health favors....

Well taken. Please then do define, what is a slut?


OMG THIS IS AMAZING NEWS!!! I just cued the entire collection this morning, what a coincidence. :) x 1,000,000

I'm glad nothing happened to her, the conspiracy theories alone would be enough to drive me crazy...

you can go on the aljazeera english site, track down you local cable provider and send them a quick-form petition to get aljazeera in your area.

who the eff eat coke? if it's anything it is far more likely to be mdma...

I used to sew doll parts onto the fur-paneled sides of my jeans in middle-school, I was called 'creative', my friend would wear Christmas lights in her hair year-round and the teachers adored her for it. Definitely a race thing.

Nice. "I’m not really looking for any sort of recognition. The process was a huge learning experience and I got everything I wanted out of it. But she deserves the recognition. She worked really hard."

Man, I would hate to have to read that poem at a funeral.... Colin FarrelL must have had to work on that one all night.

Agreed, her lawyers charge more than that necklace is worth for an hour of council I'm sure - there really is no believable motive for her to have done it.

As someone who is going through all of this right now, you pay out of pocket and then some for all state and private contracted services, believe me the state is not paying for any of this - it is based on income. For instance the SCRAM bracelet, yah, she's paid twice that to have it I assure you. State's make money

I had that too... my mom liked it so much she stole it, you could never get that stuff off!