
@mustlovebooknerd: Haha. I wish. Just piles and piles of second-hand, non-matching winter wear.

That's nice, because I am dressed like a rustic bag lady today.

'Love will always outwit our fixes. It will always overflow the boundaries that we raise to enclose it. It's in the basic nature of love to be temperamental. Our era is trying to deny this.'

My parents were great parents, but I think they may have gone overboard once or twice over shear frustration - it's not right, but it gets a lot worse than this (especially in Russia).

@banditalamode: yah, it was the only place i could find examples all linked together though...

being un-married can be a little depressing in those years where there seem to be marriages all around you, and a little liberating during those years they are all finally getting around to figuring out what life is really all about.

Kate Hudson and Thom Yorke?! I almost lolled myself off my chair....

I really don't understand why beauty is equated with a size 0... I mean I know I'm beating a dead horse here... but it seems more like a pedophilia fixation than beauty standard. (not that there aren't lovely 0's out there)

Nooo. Why, WHY???

I don't know much about the man, I don't watch tv. I have read the leaked documents he has published. I choose to separate the man, the journalist, from the information he has published because they are separate issues. The information about our government tells us more than anything that our government has no respect

Democracy Now said that he was accused of having 'consensual sex without a condom' - which is hardly rape. Of course the women get the shaft in this case as ever - i hate that - but it seems like they were coersed into this or something due to the timing and to embarrass him.

@LaComtesse: They say in the literature that if you're in a public restroom, just dump it out, put it back in, and rinse it the next chance you get. I've done this several times and have it down to an art - just don't forget to flush or someone will think there's a fetus down there...

I love mine, when I think of how much disposable waste I've saved using it I think it makes up for the few slip-ups I've had. Also, not having to worry about where to put your used tampon is a nice plus, when at a male friends house especially.

I'm on a ketosis diet (not so popular these days) but I find holidays pretty easy, lots of meat and some veggies and cheese! When I was vegan I would just bring a few of my own sides to share and eat mostly from that, I loathed making people who are already juggling a large get together go out of their way for me.

If she were a man she would be a rock and roll god. Enough said.