Bandido Andrew

Auto journalist drives shitbox that breaks down as a daily driver, can’t make it to work. I bet you’re a lot of fun to depend on in a professional context. Grow the fuck up.

I encourage you to articulate your opinion in person.

He was awful. HAHAHA, he likes to fuck cars, and he’s in on the joke! HAHAHA! HAha. Ha.

I’m sure he cares.

I think you’re annoying as fuck. I could be very rude and say I don’t support your right to life, but I’m not going to do that.

Stan, stop please... you don’t need to break shit.

By “they” you mean Tyler, right?

Because Tyler is a know it all hack that should have stuck to selling hot dogs.

I’ve been called worse by better people. Kick rocks, fucker.

Israel will do what Israel needs to do to protect its interests; contrary to popular opinion Israel’s interests are not always aligned with our interests (though they spend a lot of money lobbying our elected officials in order to convince them otherwise). In case you haven’t noticed, our interests are aligned with

No less than four high-profile aviation incidents, three in the UK and one in Columbia...

Re: The Bin Ladens, I don’t take pleasure at the death of anyone... but maybe the universe works in mysterious ways.

Okay Patton, thank God you aren’t calling any shots.

Yay, wouldn’t that be great! War is fun... for fucking idiots.

I hope you’re wrong, I suspect you’re going to be right.

Thank you. Punk ass kids, I remember when four was enough.

His opinion about Ballaban’s opinion mattered enough for you to post in response to his response. I was thinking this is kind of a circle jerk, then I saw your face and it all made sense.

You’re a fucking idiot, have at it.

“Cost effective war” is an oxymoron.

Best comment ever.