Bandido Andrew

Well played.

So angrifying!

You think those wheels are small? GET OFF MY LAWN, PUNK!

"Doc, what caused my ass cancer?"

They're both blue sedans, so there's that.

Damn near 300 HP and all wheel drive? Sounds legit to me.

Stunning. One of my all time favorites.

Fruit booting has always been kinda silly and anticlimactic.

So sexy.

My pops bought one of these new when I was a kid, same year. Good memories in that, definite nice price.

Pot, meet kettle.

I was just looking at the Corvette site and in the footer there was a "you might also like..." link to this. I took a look at it and arrived at the same conclusion that you did.

Easily one of the most gorgeous cars on the road. That said, I'll go for the affordable model that'll bring a some of the same good looks to the table for half the money.

Yeah, they're both coupes. Beyond that, I'm not seeing it.

Whoa, I think you're right. PCP and pinstriping don't mix, kids.

I've been around for the introduction of four new Vettes now. Every time, it's the same deal. Give it some time, the wow factor will wear off, and we'll start getting realistic reviews.

Cool story Broseph. I have a buddy that gives free AMGs to every person he sees... at the mall.

Nice car, nice price (I guess. I have to admit I haven't done any research). That said, I have a buddy selling a regular AMG CLK of the same vintage / low miles for ~$10k. I'm not sure this car is $40k better.

Holy shit, the glove box handle is heinous.