Bandeng asep

Good! Hopefully the people eligible to vote have already voted or have made a plan to vote. I don’t really care one way or the other since the only twitch stream I ever watched was for the NWSL (and I’ve already voted), but you know, the difference in reception is amusing. As long as the outcome is the same 🤷🏾‍♀️

AOC doing a Twitch stream is lovely but meaningless.

But Ethan and Ian said politicians using games to reach voters was cringe.

More like “Vladimir Smithee’s Very-Real-and-Not-a-Front Discount Computer Яepair Shop

And ditch their code words “likability” and “economic anxiety”. FFS. 

Yes HRC’s base knows misogyny played a major role in her loss. It’s not as widely acknowledged as this article implies. Just because it’s exhausting does not mean it should not be called out and shamed. The patriarchy is systemic and pervasive. We shouldn’t weary of calling misogyny by its name. 

Biden's coalition isn't nearly as fragile as Ian's ego here.

Like, correct me if you think i’m wrong, but in the context of that speech, it sure sounds like he’s saying:

Wow is that really the full quote? That’s been heavily mis-used by MANY people on the left, wow. 

Thank you. You articulated incredibly well what I was feeling but couldn’t put into words.

I created an account just to star this comment.

It sounds like some people cannot stop doomscrolling in their minds.

You know, I would be a lot more on board with Biden skepticism if it was powered by actual concerns and not baldfaced lies like this:

Bernie’s would be better and offer free fruit!

Yeah.. I understand this isn’t as progressive as many on the left would prefer, but to say it’s “very little substance” is just a gross misuse of that phrase — it’s incredibly substantial, with concrete policy goals and figures.

All this commentary about not being the other guy is a bit off.

Oh, for... This is a ridiculous article.

The Biden campaign made a cheery and silly Animal Crossing island. It’s neat. It will change few minds (and it shouldn’t) but it’s a nice, silly diversion.

I’m sorry you’re tired (we all are, because Holy Shit this administration) but this whole article is like a festival of

“Everyone is happy instead of being stuck in a constant cycle of uncertainty and fear. Neighbors can hold conversations without spending the next two weeks worrying about every cough.”

Much like Biden’s presidential platform, there’s very little substance here”