Bandeng asep

Jezebel is supposed to at least REPORT on the third candidate when discussing what happened to candidates who came in first, second and fourth, regardless of whether they support her or not. But Jezebel omitted MENTIONING the candidate (Warren) who came in third in one article, and then disingenuously wondered in

lol, no.

i don’t see how she’s moved center? although she is indeed free of revolutionary talk, her actual plans especially opioid epidemic, taxing the rich, health care, blue new deal, climate, rural issues/agriculture, anti-corruption, etc would bring us by far the furthest to the left. i have to admit to quite a bit of head

Do you mean “in this fight” against the “centrist Democrats?” I think about 75% of the Democrats don’t see this as a fight against each other.

One of these sites had to step on the Sanders pile of dogshit after Splinter got the boot. I guess Jezebel drew the short straw. 

Cannot star this enough.  Has anyone even asked themselves why Bloomberg got in the race to begin with??  It was when Elizabeth was riding high!

Two things can be true at once. She’s being erased and she made some huge missteps that torpedoed her campaign. My personal favorite was when she walked right into Trump’s trap and took that DNA test. For others, it was her waffling on Medicare for All.

From what I understand (based on what I read on her website and Sanders’ website), their plans are basically identical but her plan has a slower roll out. I’m not even a huge fan of M4A, but this seems like a minor difference that’s been made to look like she suddenly cuddled up to the healthcare industry and

We don’t want serious people with proven track records of success for president.

Yes! And also, this article is basically saying “sure, this likely sexist thing is most likely happening to this woman, but complaining about it isn’t a good look, so she should stop”...pretty disappointing and lame.

The Root is backing Warren more than Jezebel is.  It’s bizarre. 

I will never understand picking Sanders over Warren, but what do I know? (Not as much as I thought!!)

Jezebel literally erased Warren from their narrative just a few weeks ago, when Ashley Reese contrived to discuss Sanders and Buttigieg struggling for first place in the primary, sneer at Biden in fourth - but somehow omitted completely to mention Warren beating Biden in third. Doesn’t count?

I think she started getting erased as soon as she proposed the plan for her wealth tax. Who owns the media? Rich people. God forbid they pay their fare share — which they might have to if Warren is elected. 

And the real fucking shit show?

1. Trump destabilized our trade with the dumb tariff games against China. He literally had to put soy farmers on corporate welfare.

James Woods has always been a piece of shit and Twitter just gave him another platform to show it. The fact that people of color have been suspended on Twitter but trump, Woods and others are still allowed to have that platform should tell you all you need to know about that fucking cesspool.

Trump is an unrepentant liar and career con-man. I can’t decide if his followers are more stupid than evil but that is just a detail.

There is an alternative theory, even if it’s one you don’t want to hear: Large numbers of black people (right now) think that if Biden continues to falter, that Mike Bloomberg is the best chance to beat Trump. People are willing to hold their nose and vote for a known racist in order to get a white nationalist out of

I like the new graphic.  Or more accurately, I like that Yang, Patrick, and Gabbard are no longer in it.