
I'm waiting for George R.R. Martin to incorporate eye-lasers into the cannon… If he ever gets to writing again.

Tumblr is the gift that keeps on giving.

Even the court room episode had the snarky lawyer delivering this line:

Btw, I like True Detective as well (although you won't find me calling it the next Breaking Bad). I'm just trying to make the case for Hannibal being the better show.

Hannibal's interests have never been the logistics of murder, but the meaning behind that type of violence. Thus the implausibility is not only besides the point, but in keeping with the show's otherworldly tone. On the other hand, TD spent an entire season obsessed with the logistics of murder and the reveal at the

[After being scooped by the Hanniballer] "Mother of God."

Don't forget to remove the nails this time.

So it's catchy and thematically appropriate!

That would be a no.

Until he conflates the two into a Frankenstein-like creation called HANNABALL!

If TVDW is looking down on you, don’t you want to be looking back at him?

Hannibal, watching Friends reruns:

Dat plastic murder suit!

Try watching the first 2 from the second season, which are more indicative of what the show is doing now (although it will spoil what happens in the S1 finale). If you like what you see, go back and finish season one for all the background info. The second half of S1 is really good.

I'm a huge Hannibal fan but hate the term Fannibal. Now Hanniballer is a nickname I can get behind.

Whatever this is, needless to say, I won't be eating the food.

:: flames torches, readies pitchforks ::

Yes that would be Jeremy Davies.

Yeah, Blithe's story is so specific that he comes off more as a fictional construct than a character based on real soldier. So many of the scenes in this episode are from his POV, which really brings this issue to fore given how things turn out for him.

Carentan is when the show really kicks into gear. Day of Days is a fast moving episode and leaves little time for reflection, so much so that my first time through the series I was worried that it was just going to be one battle after another. Carentan kind of shifts gears and slows down a bit to see the toll that