
Can’t fairly say that I can relate to the high-level sports (I maxed out at low-tier college basketball) but I’d never thought about the clear feedback/accountability points until you mentioned it. It drives me crazy at work. Wish I could get more frequent, clear feedback from experts, instead of vague, passive

Not like Durant plays a particularly high-athleticism style either. He mainly shoots over people because he’s tall and a phenomenal shooter. Think of his worst-case like a better version of Dirk for the next 5-10 years, which I think is pretty reasonable to expect.

Well said. Eaton’s a moron, but I’ll take a brief stab at defending one specific aspect of the logic. This sort of thing is dumb, but it sometimes comes from a place of non-dumbness. The underlying idea is that some professions (military is a good example, as long the testing is constrained to training exercises) are

It’s Deadspin. They forget everything they write 4-6 minutes after they post it. And yes, this is absolutely vindication for that perspective. Insisting that teams should give out huge, dumb contracts was never a solution to anything. Paying minor league players real money is a solution, as is cutting down on the

You will probably be banned for this level of reasonable-ness. The restaurants are just as bad. Not profitable (like most restaurants)? Could it be that we’re in a ridiculously competitive industry and aren’t the top-tier of it? Nah, it’s those damn delivery drivers ruining everything. If we banned them, the fucking

They need to drop this days ago. It’s not going to get better for them. Also, if Masai can give someone a concussion by shoving him in the chest, but not knocking him down, he’s more amazing than I thought.

There’s a big difference between paying for quality and paying for pretty good. Right now there are a lot of QBs who want ‘great’ money for ‘pretty good, if you have the right people around them’ performance. See Cousins, Prescott, soon to be Goff. And they might get it because either teams haven’t figured this out

This is a much better answer than the much longer article above, which boils down to “I’m ridiculously liberal and he’s only kind of liberal so I don’t like him”.

I mean, he’s got accomplishments. He hyped the shit out of Tesla and SpaceX, and he got them to where they are today, which is huge. Most start-ups fail. His didn’t. They’re wildly successful by pretty much any start-up standard. Now, he’s absolutely not what he bills himself as (genius inventor). He’s the hype-man,

This sounds suspiciously like a stupid, self-important police officer being angry that someone wasn’t taking him seriously. Masai likely pushed by him and ignored his procedure of asking for credentials, probably because he assumed that stadium security would know who the president of the opposing team was. The only

It’s also not like Leonard was really healthy either. He’s been struggling on and off the whole series; clearly not where he was earlier in the playoffs. Much more limited mobility, no lift on his shots, shooting percentages kind of fell of a cliff, etc. He’s still really good injured (as was Klay until he was too

Yea, it made a lot of sense. Feels like a lot of those comments are from people who didn’t actually watch the game.

Not relevant to the article, but it absolutely makes them worth less than people that don’t do this. Basically you violate someone’s trust and lie extensively because you want to avoid (more likely postpone) a difficult conversation. Morally, this sort of thing makes them worth less. Some relationships have

Yea, football is also obviously risky to the athlete. They know what they’re getting into (you don’t need a cover-up to hide that getting hit in the head a lot is bad for you; no one honest is really surprised).

‘It takes a certain hubris to churn out a fatally boring, loosely researched 10,000-word take (incidentally, very few stories need to be 10,000 words long, but Goldberg wouldn’t be the first to confuse length and quality) meant to be slapped on the cover of a national magazine and “drive the conversation.”’

Yea, you are correct. It’s useful to keep in mind that most of the people on this site who make references to books haven’t read said books, or at best skimmed them 20 years ago when they were in school. It’s just a lazy way to summarize why they think people like the ASIOF books. In Tolkien’s case, basically all

Couldn’t even go with the ‘I have black friends’. Sad.

What’s fucking awesome about that song linked in the article is that it still sounds exactly like a good, new Pixies song, even after 40 odd years. Not many bands can pull that off. Granted, the vocals aren’t quite the same, but Kim’s bass line is great.

He’s literally an example of the original point; he’s never technically been convicted of fraud, although he’s clearly committed it. See: fraud is very difficult to prove.