Thanks! I’ll definitely check that out.
Thanks! I’ll definitely check that out.
Listen why read publicly available court documents when you can watch fifteen hours of body language experts on youtube and feel like you’ve exhaustively researched something!!! We’re just delusional for looking at extremely well documented instances of abuse when we could be out there wondering why Amber cries…
Yeah, I don’t know why the dems keep doing this. My home state keeps announcing candidates where I’m like “Him!!?”, supporting them all through the primaries, and then right before the general being like “Oh shoot, we just found out he’s bad? Nevermind,” having no backup plan, and getting stomped. Like, maybe the guy…
I hope you’re a member of Depp’s PR team or on his payroll. Because if you’re making this big of a fool of yourself for free? Oof.
It amazes me that more people don’t remember him filming John Frusciante’s drug addiction. Clips of it are/were on youtube. Fusciante’s addition to heroin was so bad that he lost his teeth and had so many abscess’ on his arms that to this day he wears long sleeves to cover the scars. But Depp, ever the decent person,…
You should be more embarrassed defending such trash.
Really? Because the meta data wasn’t an issue in the UK trial.
She was 14 he was 25. Are you fucking serious?
“she was a model”
Oh shut up!!!
Either there are a lot of incredibly shitty people on here or there are a lot of people being incredibly shitty.
Republicans love to create strawmen to pass their ghoulish policies, but when a real tragedy happens because of said policies? “Personal responsiblity”, “thoughts and prayers”, “sometimes these things happen”, etc. The cruelty is the point.
Because the one thing you’ll never hear from a politician is “I fucked up, it was the wrong decision and I’m going to change it.” Fuck DeWine for helping to turn Ohio back to the pre-1950's.
I quit reading after the comment about him being friends with Marilyn Manson. I literally don’t need to know anything more, that tells me all I need to know.
You’re confusing the frequency with which people do something with the ease with which it is possible for them to do it.
Time to cancel Netflix and only subscribe when there’s a months worth of new stuff to watch. I’m not paying them for a full year when I watch Disney+, Discovery+, HBO Max, and Hulu far more often. They can get a month or two out of my each year if they’re going to financially reward an abusive assclown like Depp.
I just find it hilarious that they used a picture of him in a Soviet Ushanka. Yeah, he’s a communist, but he’s not out there hunting neoliberals.
I can see Kojima reading this and already writing it down.