She’s just mad that she wasn’t smart enough to realise her only play would’ve been to have done herself in while she had the chance like her co-abuser.
She’s just mad that she wasn’t smart enough to realise her only play would’ve been to have done herself in while she had the chance like her co-abuser.
It’s hard to believe that a man who’s the personification of toxic masculinity and capitalism could ever rape someone.
“We also often write about pop culture topics like anime, TV, and movies: if it’s good, interesting, or inspires us somehow, we want to tell you about it.”
Jesus Christ! How has this not become bigger news? I’m a lifelong wrestling fan and I’ve never heard of this. This needs to be on the Dark Side of Wrestling now!
Idk what this is and I’m scared to google “WWE Ringboys”
What? How could anyone ever think ol’ Roidy McSwindleton could ever be a rapist? I’m positively aghast.
This. To add on: Depp's asking price has not really matched the success of movies where he is the lead or main cast member in years. Pre-allegations, his star had been fading... Yet he kept getting massive paydays in spite of it all.
At $300 he is being overpaid. Stopped watching after the first one as I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. Now he we know he is a piece of garbage that we can’t understand. Good riddance.
Here’s hoping his career comeback is completely made up.
“Depp’s rep has refuted a rumor that the actor will be paid $300 for his return to Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.”
Why would they want him back for a leading role in the newest one. The 4th and 5th ones didn't do great, and I would argue that they would have been better building out the universe with new characters. You know, make it feel more lived in and less like it rotates around a single (or small number) of character(s).
I only blame her to the extent that she is letting Biden’s admin railroad her...or else getting horrible advice. Go off the reservation, be the prosecutor Harris from the Kavanaugh hearings, instead of trying to remain inoffensive enough to think you will get the nomination for P one day. She wont. Not like this. …
The only thing standing between Republicans and a nationwide ban is 51 votes in the Senate and control of the House, both of which are likely to be facts less than a year from now. I think it’s silly to pretend like Republicans haven’t thought of a nationwide ban, they are already talking about it.
No. Pass executive orders. Make the GOP fight it in court. It is literally exactly what the GOP would do. The Dems cant do much, so they might as well show their base they are fighting...not holding hands and singing we will overcome or whatever other bs. So fucking afraid to be on the offensive. Still chasing…
I am so sick of hearing how this “confirms we need to vote” blue shite. All this confirms for me is we always seem to lose MORE ground when the Democrats have control of any chamber. Heck, we even gave them a super majority at one point and they still gave away every bargaining chip. The GOP knows how to win. Give…
I just think Dems have to do something in the meantime. There’s no guarantee they’ll get enough votes to pass legislation and there’s a pretty good probability that this same supreme court would just slap it down anyway (not that they shouldn’t try!) I just think that it’s important to be trying more options than the…
I don’t know if I’d even call this a pivot or a dodge, she all but says “No we’re not doing that”. Of course she has no alternate plan of action, just “Reelect my buddies so we can start planning for the next re-election.” Disheartening stuff
“Turn out to vote!” Would be a lot more compelling of a mantra if any candidate at all could at least pretend to care about the people’s interests and needs. But I’m sure if it voted for any candidate like that the commetariat would label me “the problem" because Bob Electable (D) was right there...
Media training for the win?
Go choke on a railroad spike. Must be nice to have all of that time to spend trolling people on here. You must be unemployed.