
It’s really gross to see people defending an adult (Teigan was 26) who literally told teenagers to go kill themselves. She hasn’t apologized, and has lied to the public by saying she had.

Please acknowledge that none of her apologies were sent to any of her victims, and that it was all a public show to try and stave off criticism. She lied and said that she privately apologized to Stodden, only for them to show that Teigan blocked Stodden and has never sent an apology.

Stodden was SIXTEEN (!!!!) when Saint Chrissy told them to kill KILL THEMSELVES. IDC what Stodden wrote back because it was well deserved. Obviously it got under Chrissy’s thin skin, enough that she blocked Stodden, and that deserves a 👏 for Stodden. They were a teenager, while Teigan was an adult and bullying a

Yeah, I’m not understanding their point when they wrote:

Why would you lie about apologizing, and block the person that you were supposedly apologizing to, if you're being sincere?

Courtney Stodden shared a screenshot showing that Teigan had blocked them on Twitter, AFTER Teigan supposedly apologized to Stodden.

Nick stated outright that there were "friendlies" that helped him get the dossier on Hannah. Everyone would bitch that they wasted time showing the details, and so they didn't. 

You and Mortal Dictata have a raging hate boner for this couple. It’s very odd.

Well then thank goodness that you will never meet them, or their “ridiculously” named child.

In a reply a few posts above, CatAss posted a link to a very interesting article explaining that the men in his family have got away with this behavior for a literal hundred years.

Important, omitted fact:

You’re awesome, and I thank you for standing up against these nihilistic responses. 

I’m more impressed with you and your kind that think you have magic powers that prevent you from getting sick and passing it on. Do you also have a money tree that can pay for the medical bills for the people you infect?

Especially when having to deal with selfish assholes who think the world revolves around them and they have magical powers that prevent them from getting themselves and others sick.

Over/Under: The assholes who disregard Covid safety protocols, and mock those that are sick of selfish pricks, also won’t get vaccinated because you’re selfish fucking pricks.

Here’s a note to all non-American Whites: You’re racists too, and just because you’ve been able to use America as a scapegoat for the past 300 years doesn’t mean your minority communities deserve it. Learn from us, do better than us, and the first step to do that is to listen when people are telling you that you’re

I really hope for his sake, and especially for those that he crosses paths with in the future, that he gets help- because as much as he needs it, he doesn’t have the right to hurt everyone around him.

Such an interesting topic! Y'all are in-between “friends” and “partners”, which seems like there should be a term for that by now?? I think some non-American/other uptight countries need to chime in... English is too prude a language. 

Re: Matthew Perry

If there is a God may they grant Gianna some semblance of a normal life, and may the media grant her privacy.