
My friend doesn’t think Khloe isn’t fit in that photo. I think you’re confusing “Hollywood fit” and “normal people fit”, which aren’t the same. Thighs that touch are a Hollywood no-no. Having an inch of belly fat is a HUGE no-no. My friend didn’t make that rule- Hollywood and celebrity/fashion-obsessed fans did.

Argue with the fitness industry, because the back of my thighs and I would love to agree with you. Cellulite hasn’t been considered acceptable on health and fitness models since at least the early aughts.

I tried to state as many times as I could in my original post that it was not my opinion, but from a friend who is a personal trainer that was judging from the image Khloe K is trying to push. A commenter asked what was wrong with this photo and after having this exact discussion yesterday, I chimed in with what a

Lol, I actually do work out at least 5 times a week, and am quite an accomplished home cook (no pre-packaged preservative-filled sodium extravaganzas) and baker... but I do also have extremely limited self-control over the quantity of food that I eat. I LOVE eating, and have a hard time saying no to grazing. I will

I am incredibly jealous of her body but am also very lazy. Maybe if I set this on a loop I might do a push up? 🤷‍♀️

Yep, that’s the photo.

You know, even if you hired a personal trainer to train you 7 days a week, and a nutritionist to make every meal and also slap every treat out of your hand, and you still didn’t look like whatever you want, you still shouldn’t hate your body.

I can no longer find the original photo that was discussed, but an incredibly superfit friend (she is a fitness trainer and has her degree in kinesiology) and I were discussing it yesterday, and she agreed with Khloe. I was shocked, but until she defined the optics of Khloe’s personal trainer and nutritionist, and the

Lol, yes she was being sarcastic. 

Bob’s Burgers, episode: don’t know... Aunt Gayle does this to her cats... does not go well. 


I really hope that women and girls younger than me (mid 40s) have a less fraught relationship with eating.”

This is intriguing, namely because I’m a wheat/gluten-eating-omnivore and I have zero self-control when on elimination diets, and also because it’s the total opposite of the vegan/raw communities that so annoyed me on Facebook.

It’s almost as if women and young girls are considered expendable, so long as the men who abuse them have even an modicum of talent with which to distract the public... because no matter how much evidence one can present, “WE DON’T KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.” And, “WHY WOULD SHE BE ALONE WITH HIM IF SHE DIDN’T WANT

I was beaten down in gizmodo for asking whether all the people who boycotted Snyder’s Justice League (his toxic fanbase) were also going to boycott Scarlett Johansson in Black Widow for all of her bullshit responses to backlash of her taking problematic roles, and support of woody allen.

As written multiple times:
1) Hold your friends and family accountable for everything from simple jokes to outright harassment/assault. To be more specific, cut ties with those that are skeevy.
2) Don’t purchase video games that exploit women (i.e., Grand Theft Auto titles), or don’t include realistic women in their

Well as soon as y’all start acting on all this grandstanding then I’ll start believing #Notallmen.

I would think that over 7,000 years of history would prove that men do NOT know the difference. Rape case numbers in India, US, and Brazil; global human trafficking numbers; Hell, the number of men currently in the US Congress with assault allegations would be proof enough that your kind cannot control themselves.

I never called them “animalistic”, and therefore the rest of your assumptions are invalid.

Sexy vs Sexual is the issue here, a world where men ages 12-82 spank to Sears magazines, how is society supposed to expect men to understand the difference? The majority of anonymous men will all sink to the lowest common denominator, and that’s usually the most depraved forms of sexual harassment and