
This was last year...

*face palm*

That is a bittersweet story! Thank you for sharing <3

This was the last-ditch-attempt to get the male youth to read...not even a joke, this is the only thing I can think of besides:

Did she start selling essential oils on Facebook? My friends and I got pregnant all within 6 months or so of one another (every other month someone was having a kid, for like two years) and I was slowly booted because I didn’t join the essential oils kick. I got my biology degree, and started questioning the claims

I’m really beginning to hate these people...not saying it’s a healthy attitude, but seriously, WHATTHEFUCK.

My genetic supplier was a monster (the only good thing he did for me was terminate his parental rights), and when the judge told my (adopted) Dad that even if he and my mom split, my Dad would still be responsible for me his reply was “I would think so” with (according to my mom) an insulted look that this would even

1) I truly hope that the child is in a good home, and there really is no way for anyone to know this without invading the re-adoption-family’s privacy. Hopefully this couple can maybe use the notoriety to ensure that if any mistreatment occurs the public will know about it. Anyone that watched them now owes Huxley

I live in Texas, where it’s like 70% humidity and a million degrees, and when it’s this hot and humid and you’re as oily as I am you *have* to shower daily. I think back before showers a daily jump in a pond or creek, or a wipe-down from well-water would be enough.
If I don’t, with my oily skin and the weather, I get

He could have owned up to it rather than making Trudeau blackface jokes as he did last year.

You actually made my’s the timeline of events, not the show. It takes a small amount of compassion, and not trying to justify and condone blackface, to understand that it’s offensive as fuck.


Thank you! <3

Lmao...yeah, I’m not engaging you any further in this.
Have a nice day Mark.

I have so many feelings about your reply...none asked for and so no opinions on what you should do will be given.
My heart goes out to you, because that’s a lot of trust that I’m not sure I could give a MAGA. <3

Lol, I hated this part of Physics (I loved molecular physics). Thank you for the info!!!

There are still a lot of definite and horrifyingly racist, misogynist, and homophobic material still allowed to air today. I’d argue that if a 30-year-old television show geared toward middle aged women, and had Southern White actresses as its stars, could make the point that blackface is offensive, Fallon (White

There is a reason I put quotes around everything, because I’m with you that there was nothing to reveal. The sketch was aired on television in 2000, and has made the rounds a few times since then. I think it picked up traction in the wake of...fuck...the Bachelor chick saying the ‘N’ word, Allison Roman dragging WOC,

I think he could have owned up to it last year, rather than making jokes about Trudeau - I find it incredibly performative to wait until it’s brought up AGAIN (even in the article it states that the clip makes the rounds) to apologize.