
Disturbing to you, maybe, but did you consider that those women may be proud of how they look? Just a thought.

Yup. But then again, feminists are not know for rational debate (see: the condescending reply from the author going, “Oh you poor, sweet summer child” at a rational person who disagreed above.)

They see boobies, they’re going to rage. If left to their devices, video games featuring women would be whales (oh sorry,

And boom goes the dynamite.

Several women I know in real life do, so this person is not wrong.

If your only reply to this is a dismissive one, allow me to dismiss this article entirely, because it’s clear you don’t want debate, or dare say, ‘facts’ to get in the way of your opinion.

Oh, what’s the matter, soyboy? Not approving my comment because it hit way too close to home? Pathetic.

Except....that’s what you’re doing. You’re totally spending time in the comments section. Does this mean you’re not doing your job?


Nope, no idea at all.

Not relevant, piss off.

Why are we giving this moron the time of day? People like him need to be ignored until they disappear.

On a side note, way to make your fellow countrymen look like idiots, jackass.

Most of these MeToo women aren’t, they’re really just a bunch of nobodies who’ll go back to being obscure nobodies when this is all over.

I find it a bit hilarious that one of the thumbnails below is: “Dan Harmon is pissed at R&M fans for harassing female writers.”

I find them to be both hypocrites, in that regard. Megan, you’re going “redemption before allocation”, or some crap, and yet, after that soul baring from Dan, you still don’t accept his

Two words: GIT GUD.

It’s not really a secret when Gamepro actually published this trick years ago.

They aren’t? You mean a well polished game that was a love letter to DKC fans from the 90s compared to the unfinished DLC crap we get now was just half-assing it?

Huh. Good to know, buddy.

Looking back, I honestly believe that you and a lot of people were being rather uncharitable to the game. Seriously, “another damn DK game”? How many of those were actually being churned out prior to this and after DKC Returns?

DKCR was an awesome game that proved that Nintendo and Retro got what was beloved about


Well done sir, great article.

Blah blah blah, feminism. The only issue you seem to have with the Killing Joke and Batman and Harley Quinn is the fanservice. Well, you know what? It is getting seriously old. I’m not going to make any secret of it: Yeah, I like the fanservice, and no, I do not believe that people should be ashamed of appreciating