Banana Peel

What assumptions? Plane had autopilot on at crash. No fuel. No pilot. There WAS a pilot at take off. They didn’t evaporate. Between aliens and jumping, I’m siding with jumping.

For fucks sake.

ALL cars, ALL planes, ALL ships, ALL forms of shipment, and transportation account for a half to a third of the impact of factory farming. As a former meat cutter, and lover of cars, I find it sickening people still fall to blame the car for what 10+ billion cows are doing each year.

I guess you’re winning because I clicked, but I only came here to ask why this shit is on the women empowerment site.

That’s very true, the law varies. Ohio is sunset to sunrise, when wipers are on, and when visibility is under 1,000 feet.

Wait a second. Are you one of those people that thinks if the sun isn’t visible, that headlights are critical? I’m one of the people who turns my lights on A) when the street lights come on or B) when it’s actually dark.

 In 10+ years of driving, they don’t know what it looks like to have their headlights off?

For the love of God, do NOT engage park while the engine is off. One, there are practical purposes. Two, this could be catastrophic.

I agree. BUT, from going from a clutch and stick (all three of my cars), to a rental 330i, I had no fricken clue how to get that car started.

He already owns the coupe. And many, many, other cars that will more easily kill him. Reading the article will reduce silly mistakes like this :)

Human bear. Interesting.

Huh, an article telling me a YouTube video exists, with zero value. Glad I saved this tab.

Did we get an official start/value on the 3.0 buybacks? Thinking about rolling some negative into one to clear it up. Manual Porsche Cayenne isn’t always a good answer. . .

Crap like this makes me want to support the people stripping their VWs before return.

Weighing more would make it cheaper, mate. And adding power would probably mean a less advanced drivetrain, but bigger engine. I’m sure still over priced, not a VW bargain sports car, but definitely well below Gallardo/R8 land.

 God bless you.

 They could care less? So you’re saying they DO care?

Or, stop using animal products, and we can hoon forever.

In an environmental sense? Driving a tank to work each day would be fine if one didn’t support industrial farming.

If the “one quality” is the same as the rest of the FIAT/chrysler group, then the anticipated quality and reliability of this car is even lower.