Philadelphia Collins

Yeah, if you like really stupid bumper stickers.

a crowd too respectful of norms to talk during the national anthem, but also not aggressive enough to yell at me when I did.”

Biden is polling well, as would a rotten turnip at this point.  Trump will have a steady 47% by the time the general rolls around.

Ah yes, two delusional people who think that the answer to all our problems are more regulation, more oversight, and by extension, more government. We need government to get out of the way. You see, what you people fail to understand is, Warren and Sanders are firmly entrenched in the same system you rail against.

Telling that nobody wants to engage in real discussion about Warren. Bernie supporters handle her with kid gloves which is exactly what the DNC wants.

Yeah, that’s literally not a thing, and I amazed at the capacity of clashtalk (RIP) gomers to continue behaving as though it is.

Warren doesn’t believe anything. She just talks. And she says whatever helps her advance. She knew she wasn’t Native American, or at least didn’t care to find out she wasn’t. She stole their ethnicity to advance her career and it worked.

That’s when he cracks the cyanide capsule hidden in a false tooth.

Shocked HamNo was allowed to publish this before Splinter’s Bernie-or-bust editors could squash it.

yeah, let’s not get too excited. 

Please keep up.  This isn’t a new accusation and Ramirez has stated that she doesn’t remember the incident being described and doesn’t corroborate it.

Well, you might as well fart instead. The Dems have a terrible track record for holding people accountable for anything.

Funny, “not properly vetted” is exactly how I would describe these accusations and Christine Blasey-Ford.

Lol.  What a juvenile response.

Or, a nazi (gasp!)

Seriously, pretend for a second you’re on the other side. How would you react if you were constantly being hit with false accusations? The democrats look so foolish here and stuff like this is just going to hurt them in 2020.  The insane left has worn out the majority of swing voters. 

Yeah, but the Democrats have such a good record of getting “moderate” candidates that nobody really likes elected. That’s why Al Gore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton are getting their own Mt. Rushmore in Connecticut.

I love the commitment to this bit.

Well at least we found out that Rafi doesn’t know how sentencing guidelines work.

Not only will it be worse, it will be a lot worse. Vapers drink tons of craft beer which is horrible for you, way worse than Miller Lite which has a cooler can anyway. Vapers will have a new class of human body in 20 years, something we don’t have right now and can barely understand. Vaper Body is what they’ll call