Balzac's Ball Sack

Clinton will almost certainly win the Presidency, but hopefully the fact that the contest is close demonstrates to both parties that Americans generally hate dishonest megalomaniacs who want to shit on individual liberty.

So, the deceased specified a $100,000 gift for the library and the University adhered to that, and...

I know, right?

‘For the editorial board of the paper to decide, yes, we should run this letter demanding that a state senator tell the public what they were doing at Planned Parenthood...that just doesn’t seem like good journalism.’

She’s a talented actress.

I had one. I’m not the least bit ashamed of it. It was a good decision. But it’s a private matter and has no bearing on my professional life.

Not so much a treasure as a dumpster fire.

“My objection is not because I am pro choice.”

I’m sure Hillary’s thrilled to have the endorsement of convicted Wall Street criminal, Martha Stewart.

You should get some psychological help.

I’m not voting for either of them, I was just confirming that you’re an ignorant twit.

Well, he was correct, so...

How is Trump’s plan to defeat ISIS in any way less “enlightened” than Clinton’s?

You’re an idiot.

Bad people aren’t allowed to get an education?

What’s so objectionable about bananas?

So, liberals here “black” and “banana” and automatically assume it’s racism.

What the fucking shit?!?! Why would this be published in a newspaper?

even if Curtis did visit for an a-b-o-r-t-i-o-n, that’s none of your business.

Actually, she clearly stated that racism exists, you moron.