
District 8, Drive, Django Unchained, and Gravity could only be called great films by the lowered standards of today… they weren't bad films, but they're not particularly memorable.

The point of replying to a spambot with mockery is to momentarily bond with a few other readers over our shared distaste for spambottery.

Do you have any teenage sisters? I want to friend them on Facebook.

How about R. Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket?

How about R. Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket?

Oh damn, I would have liked to have seen that… Arbuckle's life was fascinating in and of itself, and I would have loved to see if Farley could have pulled off playing him.

True… it was Soul Man that made JLD a star…

I bet that if Farley had lived he would have eventually had a dramatic role in some indie, and surprised people by how good he was… I'm not saying he was a master thespian, but I bet he had a little more to offer than we saw during the fairly short time that he was in the spotlight.

I'm not a stand-up comedian so I have no idea if it's true, but I've heard that Spade is a "stand up's stand up," the kinda guy that a lot of them respect.

Two of the Shrek movies came out during that timespan… those alone gave Eddie a higher profile than Spade had during his RoE years.

I read an interview with Cosby (not a, well, RECENT interview) in which he said that Pryor (who was old friends with Cosby, from back in the day before they were megastars and hung out with Carlin and Joan Rivers) called him up to tell him that he never said any of that to Eddie.

And let's not forget Rage Against the Machine… or The Replacements.

You can Netflix the complete first five seasons on DVD.

Yeah, I saw that, and no, I didn't think that Jonah Hill was genuinely surprised.

While it's great that Eddie is going to the 40th Anniversary Show, I had hoped for his surprise return on News Update, with viewers having no advance idea he was going to be there. ANY cameo during Update excites the audience… can you imagine what it would have been like for Eddie?

Oh, okay.

So Dennis is like Christopher Hitchens, if Christopher Hitchens had been far less intelligent.

John From Cincinnati, the reason Milch walked away from Deadwood. Deadwood!

And anyone who questions their knee-jerk contrarian take is one of the "sheeple."

But did you ever come across "Concrete TV," that's the question.