
Sadly, your sarcastic-sounding conclussion is true. We are now a nation of bootlickers and worshipers of the wealthy. Most people think the rich “deserve” or “earned” their vast wealth deapite most wealthy people not contributing anything of actual value to society.

This article is poorly conceived. Basically as long as you don’t run the tank dry, there is no issue. Fuel travels one direction through the pump as long as the pump is passing fuel, it is getting both cooled and lubricated. It’s still ok to hit E as you fuel tank generally still has 2-3 gallons in it when that

This is the perfect encapsulation of everything wrong in the general population right now.

There are two issues with this. 1. Engineers design the engine, transmissions, and software around the EPA test cycle. 2. Diesels are inherently bad polluters at transient operation due to the combustion being sensitive to rate of changes in Air, in-cylinder temp, and EGR (think about coal rollers, how the exhaust is

So guys, here me out here. I know I might be veering into hot take land here. But just hear me out. I’m getting the feeling that Ivanka Trump, just maybe, JUST not a very good person. Which when you consider where she came from, that is a truly shocking idea.

how else are the people going to learn about gta vi

This makes me irrationally angry.

“MSN reports that Botha fired his rifle on the charging cows, but a fourth swept in and surprised him from the side.”

Trump gave up more intel in 5 minutes with the Russians than John McCain did in 5 years of torture from the North Vietnamese.

You do realize that if Israel cancelled the visit, they would be confirming that the information came from them, right? Didn’t think so.

Also, Melania is troubled by “the vapors” and Eric Trump is so vexed by bad humors in his blood that not even leeching by the Trump Concierge Barber Service has helped

I agree. In fact, after you leave the plane, make sure to lick the boots/shoes/pumps of the airline staff. Also stick around with your nose in the corner. They may want to humiliate you further.

Well that’s definitely what tyrannical oppressors WANT the lesson to be...Obey! Submit!

You didn’t read the article. It was not the family’s gun.

It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.

heres a noble idea, turn your car off when you leave it and set the parking break when on an incline

You know it wasn’t a Mustang because it turned away from the pedestrians.

So where does my Challenger Scat Pack 6.4 Hemi 6 speed manual work into your Dodge equation? Or better yet, a Hellcat Challenger!?!

Here’s a better rumor: The next GT86 will be called the GT87, will be powered by a triple-turbo three-rotor wankel engine with four intercoolers. The car will be all-wheel drive with an eleven speed flappy paddle gearbox, have about as much torque as a lawnmower, and come with a free Monster energy hat in the glovebox