The Wizard of Fries

How's that possible?


And Incubus, if you consider them too (and they were lumped in).

Go fuck yourself.


I first said "fuck you" to him in response to his fat-shaming and -baiting. He doubled down and I reaffirmed my stance (i.e. "fuck you"). I feel that people who dehumanize others based on something like their weight aren't fit to raise children. Is that an ample enough explication?

Is he white?

It's Groban.

I don't recall "throwing bricks" (whatever the fuck that means), but I did voice my opinion that becoming embroiled in a love affair months after your spouse DIES seems callous and crass to me. The end.

I bet you run your fucking mouth less when your heart stops.

So it doesn't seem odd at all to you that someone would be deeply in love, have their partner DIE, and then transact the whole process of meeting someone new, falling in love and getting engaged in a year? Cool story.


No, because of his posts elsewhere and how they prove he's a lowlife.

Again, fuck you.

It's not that—it's that for them to be in love enough to be engaged, it seems he would have had to start seeing her like the day after his wife died.

Fuck you.

That's what 'meh' is for. When the subject matter merits nothing more impassioned then a halfhearted mumblegrunt.

I was all about the other girl, the petite little Filipina-looking cutie that's in the Tone-Löc videos too. Cindyana looked SO hot in the opening of the Jane's Addiction video, but nowhere else to me.


I had this view of McCartney as well for many moons until very recently, when I dove into his solo catalog, and I'll tell you, there's a lot of really terrific fucking songs there, and it's not all as slight as I'd thought, either.