The Wizard of Fries

Underrated album, too.

Records. And no one gives a fuck.

That's simply false and could only be assumed by someone born after 1987.

I'm not arguing against CDs having had a significant impact and merit in terms of convenience and portability…but how are some of these facets any different/better than vinyl records? Records don't have inserts/jackets with lyrics and credits? Records aren't generally uniform in size and fit to be collected and

Mind-boggling that someone could cry over a Talking Heads song.

EVERY diehard loves "State Of Love And Trust." Never got it. "Breath" is amazing, though. And Vs. is EASILY their best record in my opinion; Vitalogy is fascinating but its darkness drowns me a bit, whereas Vs.' brings me up. And the original b-side version of "Alone." This is a great idea for a feature, at any rate.

Then — we give 'em helicopters.

Send in the car…SEND IN THE CAR…

"recites"; "Lombardo"

Shit. Just did that one above, though I was being original (within the context of unoriginality).

"I was in junior high, dickhead."

It's "Now I have a machine gun…ho…ho…ho"

"MCIS" (or "MCATIS"). "Mellon Collie" isn't one word.

OUAT is gorgeous and very moving. BP I never quite got. Another SP fan fave that leaves me cold.

You mean you ARE saying it's qualified success.

Lots of fans love that one. I never got it.

Possibly the high point of rock music for me.

It doesn't drag at all for its length. Flies by. That's part of what marks it as so fucking great. Quite the opposite of a slog.

1. Thru The Eyes Of Ruby
2. Muzzle
3. Cupid de Locke
4. Here Is No Why
5. Galapagos
6. Farewell & Goodnight
7. Jellybelly
8. Thirty-three
9. Beautiful
10. X.Y.U.

Wow. M.I.A., Live-in Skin, Aurora, Generator, Headwires, Gimme Stitches and Next Year are all among my very favorite FF songs, the first three ones I find deeply affecting/rousing.