
@unibrow4o9: And we can all watch as their economy sinks into the toilet, taking the rest of the world with it.


"hough this distressing turn will likely provoke some people to admonish Abby's parents for letting her embark on the journey in the first place, they'll be wrong to do so. Abby's safely steered her ship for 4 months already, showing an ability and passion that few of us will ever know in our own lives. "

@Slinkytech: Why? You've never needed help with anything?

One reason to use a sparse id instead of an incremental one.

@dfxdeimos: Right so the $20 that would have been paid for the movie, is what?

@dfxdeimos: Not objectively. That's your opinion that piracy is less serious than theft.

@supersaiand: In terms of DRM, I suppose fair use is up to the license holder.

@Dexomega: The fine is a financial incentive to prevent piracy.

@dfxdeimos: Why is a potential settlement of $2500 whack?

@doomlordkazzak: Completely, no, but you can use Proxies, that essentially make internet traffic requests on your behalf.

@J2M3: Whether the movie sucked, or not is irrelevant to piracy.

@Jack Musick: Again, it's NYT's content. They set the terms of use.

@Robotronic: This analogy doesn't quite hold up.

Bottom line, it's NYT's content, and it's their right to license it as they see fit.

@8oardR1der: Wonder if demshits is integrated with twitter.