balloondoggle hates the new layout

@hnkelley: I was reading a series of "historical novels" based on WWII and used GE to follow along with the lead character. It really added a lot to the story for me. Makes me wonder if picture books should really be relegated to children only.

Anything that gets people up and moving instead of sitting on their butts all......

@Settings: Ah, didn't catch that - print too small for these old eye.

@Kemonomimi: edit: double post. Gawker sites aren't loading right for me these days.

@Kemonomimi: Frames and dealer decals. Not so concerned with with manufacturers badging, since the car itself will generally self-identify anyway. I just don't want to be a billboard for a business, even if I did do a deal with them.

@MikeHTiger: Absolutely! Remember, the geek shall inherit the Earth, or something like that.

@b0ober: "pupy"? "threw"? Where the hell did this air, Alabama?

@doronbc: There's been a huge rash of reposts around here lately, sometimes with turn-around as quick as weekend posts coming back for a Monday or Tuesday encore.

@jonaemail: I've had that same conversation every time I've bought a car. One guy didn't think I was serious until I added a paragraph to the deal stating that failure to remove the dealer's branding constituted agreement to a 5 year advertising lease at $400/month. Hardly enforceable, but it made my point.

Man, that fall looked painful.

@rjunkie: I once rode my bicycle into the back of a parked car. I was reading a book on the handlebars on my way to the library.

@CaptainJack: I suspect every generation has had it's scapegoat. In my day it was the Walkman; my kids have GameBoys (I'm cheap and they're young). I wonder what my grandkids will be distracted by, assuming my kids aren't killed by their video games prior to procreating.

@\m/ chaosphere \m/: Remember, these aren't journalists - they are bloggers. Different standards.

I need a tray of those for my Christmas tree.

@zross312: I'm going to take the Fifth on that one, unless there's a statute of limitations going back to the mid-'80's.

So it's really just a pretty humidifier.

@macd2dot0: This picture makes me grateful that the X-Ray Specs from my comic books never worked. There is no way I would have recovered from seeing this at an impressionable age.

@Dr. Nemmo: Then how do they feed the zombies running the machines?

@ndspanky13: One shot showed a yellow rope hanging down the side.