balloondoggle hates the new layout

@Curves: Mine too, but these sort of comments just spill out sometimes.

@Curves: So, um, could I interest you in a road trip?

@PopandLocke: I just don't know what to think. Why didn't she hit him back????

@Stem_Sell: This is your astronaut on drugs.....

@Kyonko-chan: Whole new dimension on "fartsack".

@Chip Skylark of Space: Thanks for pointing that out guys. Good point, and maybe I won't have to waste the money on lottery tickets.

@mikehart526: You aren't old enough for the proctologist yet. Don't worry, you'll get the trifecta soon enough.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: One can only hope. If I win the lottery I'll buy a family season pass for Virgin Galactic and we'll all go hurling in space together.

@sunspot72: Sounds familiar. I think your warning may be too late....

I got to be on hand in 1988 for the first launch after the Challenger exploded. We sat on a sea wall with a great view of the launch pad. Someone told us we were about 7 miles away and the thundering still vibrated in your chest even at that distance.

@DSB7: I spent a summer in Minnesota and the mosquitos were so thick the woods buzzed with the hum all night long. It was the first time I wore long pants, long sleeves, gloves and a full hat for an extended period in August. Still got eaten alive, too. They find the crevices the clothes don't cover near your

@DSB7: To eat the giant mosquitos, of course.

Test run, to see if we're paying attention? Waste of PETN though.

It's been available in spots of Cincinnati for a month or so now, but not announced. Sadly, I'm not impressed. It only seems to work with the browser. YouTube app and Sprint TV don't work over 4g - they fail to find a network even when the phone itself is connected. There may be other apps that look for a data

@peacefulveg: Available on Kindle but not nook. Damn. Looks interesting, too.

@uli2000: I hear the guests all give the tour glowing reviews.

@pdok: There's a bomb for that.