balloondoggle hates the new layout

@Alessar: You win. I'm crying Avacado Green tears for you.

@ttk2: I wouldn't think it makes much difference since the 3g and wifi radios aren't on while you read. They turn off when you leave the browser, Store or The Daily. I leave mine in Airplane mode unless I'm shopping just to be sure.

@zmnatz: What crikerat said. Plus, since eInk is only black and white I don't think you'd enjoy comics as much. Certainly, an artist would consider carefully whether to allow their work on any b&w ereader since it would mess with the appearance and significance of the art. The comic reader on the PSP seems like a

@Jacknut: I agree that the page turn buttons could be better done. I would like to have the ability to remap them to the user's preference. I'd put forward on the right and backward on the left. I got used to it, but still goof it up at times if I want to go back a page.

@TamaraGlabrio: I've used mine almost daily since February and no crashes. As far as speed, I have nothing to compare it to. Some have said the page turns are too slow, but I don't think it's any worse than turning a physical page. Maybe the expectation is that a button press should result in immediate action?

@Zhuzhu: The PDF's I've read have not reflowed like I would hope, but it has never bothered me much. You can't zoom, per se, but MAY be able to resize text - depends on how the PDF was created. I haven't seen too many large illustrations in PDF on my nook so can't address that one.

@smirkette: I've compared back and forth a few times and they seem to run about the same. I've seen the price flip flop on a given book from around $8 to $19 on B & N while the same book changed within a slightly smaller range on Amazon.

Can we PLEASE leave the '70 color schemes in the past where they belong? Ugh, I think I burned a retina.

@slabbius: He had me thinking I could put one of these together in a weekend with the kids. Coolest dad ever!

So if I have a couple laser pointers and a chunk of dry ice can I at least charge my cell phone?

@firloop: Okay, so what was the rainbow pinwheel that showed up a couple of times?

@JohnDeere: Based on my basement full of half-finished projects, I have to say this seems most likely. Damn humans have NEVER finished what we start!

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Use a backpack. Used to do it all the time on a motorcycle. One week for one person. Now, with 5 of us, it's a little less practical. But it was easy when I was single.

@karmaghost: My office building now has 4 spots reserved for electric cars only. They have charging stations. So far, the only car I've seen parked there was a Prius. I'll park my Kia there sometime and see if they have the balls to ticket me.

@Xagest: Where there's smoke, there's friction. Keep some lotion handy.

@Xagest: My soul has already been ripped from me by photographers. Guess I'm no longer a candidate for this. On the other hand, survival in the wilds of Antarctica may be ensured by carrying a cylinder of hydrogen sulfide and a mask. Cool!

@Casper42: Just don't refer to it as a hydrogen bomb within earshot of anyone.