Same! But my poor little sister, who was a doting aunt at 14, regularly had all kinds of terrible shit said to her when she had my daughter, because she looked about 17 and people just assumed LiBallOfStress was hers. It made me utterly furious.
Same! But my poor little sister, who was a doting aunt at 14, regularly had all kinds of terrible shit said to her when she had my daughter, because she looked about 17 and people just assumed LiBallOfStress was hers. It made me utterly furious.
There are MANY Tube stations that don’t have elevators/aren’t handicapped accessible. Trust me, I wiped out in one just 2 years ago.
Mr. BallOfStress’ parents were on the cutting edge of this in the early 80s it seems - huge hippies, Waldorf school, soy cheese, no tv, the whole nine yards. And of course, no vaccinations! He felt the same for Lil BallOfStress, which is why I said “Ok honey” and took her to the doctor alone to get all her bloody…
Yeah, uh, you and the video guy completely ignored the fact that the Native Americans were participated in a permitted Indigenous Peoples the MAGA hat assholes were deliberately blocking their planned, approved, and completely legal March simply because they were entitled pricks. But you know, if you leave…
He is, but I would bet it’s more tied to Graham’s sexuality. I honestly feel sorry for him, but he’s sold out the family for his own ends, so he deserves whatever he gets IMHO.
Not “easily” per se - she came within 20 votes of losing. Not that I think she shouldn’t have, because I do. But Corbyn is so problematic is just a clusterfuck no matter what it seems.
Hey, I don’t even know who John Cena is!
Aka - fellow Old, cosigning
I’m right there with you tbh!
I generally prefer “whilst” but I’ll allow it
Kelly, feel free to use my image above, no charge or anything, just want someone I was privileged to know to be appropriately honoured.
Here’s one of Dr. Sandler from last year, when I was thrilled to meet her!
Ah yes, the so-called “snowflake children”’s honestly a shame, the only clinics that do embryo adoption are all run by religious fanatics :-/
EXACTLY! The Pope is doing just fine with only one lung, I’m sure I can too!
Thank you for actually knowing what the issues are! The level of “Well we should have never been there so of course we should pull out” from liberals has left me furious the last few days. I know most people don’t know jack shit about foreign policy, et al, but even those who SHOULD know better are spouting this BS!
I’m right there with you, he’ll always be Senator PittyPat to me!
I’m all for dumping these assholes, penniless, barefoot, and sans water at the southern border of Mexico and making them try to find their way, on foot, to the US border, and then have to cross without being detected. If they are, they get to spend AT LEAST a month in these ‘detention’ camps, separated from family,…
Fuck Susan Collins with a rusty hat hatchet. Full stop. Bitch can rot.
She is! And menstrual extraction is making a comeback in certain circles, because it’s still technically not classified as an abortion procedure, as long as a pregnancy isn’t confirmed. It’s terrifying, but this may well be our new normal soon, if Roe falls, and we must ALL prepare for that potentiality...
HA! Hahahahahahaha, omfg I’m going to cry...SO fucking much of my life is spent worrying about medical debt, because having a chronic illness and being unemployed for over 2 years, it’s been a fucking nightmare! Any credit I may have had that wasn’t already tanked by my insane student loans has been absolutely…