I always felt like this arc was an analogy for the mad scientists of WWII that tortured their prisoners with inhumane experiments.
I always felt like this arc was an analogy for the mad scientists of WWII that tortured their prisoners with inhumane experiments.
Yes. SEL is my all time favorite and taught me to be curious about everything. Ive had a wallpaper of lain since it came out on my PC and never changed it, its the first thing I’ve always made sure to put back on first everytime I got a new PC or formatted.
A little background, Im not a native english speaker so back then I had my older brother tell me the story as it progressed, translation in real time. It really helped me learn the language being 5yo at the time. I could and should also include Phantasy Star II, that game I finished on my own without understanding a…
The Worm is the Spice!
And thats one of the thing I loved. Tetsuo takes drugs throughout the movie and if youve ever done some of those nasty stuff, some of it makes you feel like you have longer and swollen limbs. Most drugs also make you lose control of yourself so a person like Testuo would just manifest his senses into reality in such a…
Omg blast from the past. I remember this and the 6 episode anime I think it had? I was so confused but awed by the art and imagery. I need to give it another watch thanks for reminding me!
Thats like...your opinion man. I guess you had to be there when it first came out while also be a fan of rpgs to appreciate it.
I already pre-ordered I Am Setsuna. I got high hopes and will be satisfied if it’s only half as good as Chrono Trigger. I like a lot of modern RPGs but being 32 yo this will be my guilty-pleasure to play one done with the old style, out of nostalgia ofc.
I just want to say a big LOL a those turned off by the CGI. Its not that bad and even makes some fighting scene more dramatic than anything else with traditional animation I’ve seen and theres only one episode The monsters look badass with this style, Guts maybe less so.
Alright here’s my highlight of this episode. For someone who has been reading high fantasy since young age with Forgotten Realms and DragonLance novels then followed by all the high fantasy you can think of, my highlight of this episode: Sam Tarly JIZZing his pants as he sees the vast amount of books contained in the…
Duke resumed it poetically, a few years ago: Eat shit and die
Worth mentioning that Toby Fox, creator of Undertale, was highly influenced by the music from Touhou and it shows. He does it justice to say the least. And now I’m hoping people start remixing UT’s soundtrack as much as fans are remixing Touhou’s :)
Toby Fox said he was inspired by Touhou, his favourite diaperhead being Ran Yakumo lol. It shows, he even has ZUNpets in some of his tracks, can’t go wrong with Zunpets and for that I respect the guy even more.
My childhood right there with like 15 titles out of your list. Xenogears in particular, really struck me as a 12 year old. It got me to read about Carl Jung and Nietzsche which I owe so much for.
I give it 5/7, would exterminate again! - Reimu Hakurei
Wow, someone remembers Phantasy Star 2! It’s a lonely world when it’s the first RPG youve played and everyone else in the hood had a nes and played Final Fantasy lol