
@her0_0f_time: That was what I was thinking (w/ regard to the saran wrap prank), except that at least this way everything stays in the bowl instead of running onto the floor. Also, I think that once the ice all melts and everything gets back to room temperature it would become basically liquid again allowing it to be

I've always wondered what would happen if you added (colorless) gelatin to a toilet bowl and then added ice. Anyone ever done this?

@Josh_Geyer: Either way, I'm not entirely sure what the means of ignition was. Maybe the ball bearing projectile absorbed enough heat from the powder burning to get hot enough to ignite whatever it was, but I'm not so sure.

@AHSSouhleris: Bear in mind, these are huge batteries. The battery in the Nissan Leaf, for instance, weighs over 650 lbs. I'd imagine this would make frequent swapping out somewhat more difficult.

Concerning #4: I understand toothpaste manufacturers have used a similar ploy in order to move more product. This may just be a legend but I've heard that over time the openings in tubes of toothpaste have been enlarged. I suppose this works based on the fact that a (negligibly) small increase in the diameter results

I'm trying to think if this would work with a car stereo that was "iPod Ready". I'm thinking it would and, if so, it'd be awesome. I can imagine watching a movie on my laptop in the backseat during a road trip, taking full advantage of that aftermarket sound system.

@Tom4Surfing: I was thinking the same thing about the signal attenuation.

Not sure what sort of bottle or container would work for this, but what if you made one that had a pocket to each side so that both outlets could be used? The screw that mounts the faceplate could be used to secure it there when nothing was being charged.