
For aging gracefully (and maybe nothing else) I'd rank the FB RX7 way ahead of the FD.

It isn't against the law to film or take pictures in the cabin, not even in the US. The flight attendants and captain can ask you to return to your seat if they feel you are creating a problem, but most crews are airline/flying enthusiasts, too, and don't have a problem as long as you ask and are respectful.

Are you really claiming that Lou Reed is as influential to pop music four decades later as Bill Gates is to personal computing?

Please, please tell me you're comparing Lou Fucking Reed to Michelangelo and Socrates.

If you were born in the 70's or later, why should pop music from the 60's or 70's matter to you? If you want to like it, that's fine. But just because a bunch of nagging geriatrics tell you Lou Reed was important doesn't make it true. He was just another singer in a rock and roll band.

Didn't know that. I'm not a food gear snob but it's definitely the best knife I've used.

This, and a quiet room or (better) shed to work in without distractions. No internet, no phones, and no books beyond the reference works you need within an arm's reach.

If this isn't the best $25 you can spend on kitchen tools, I don't know what is.

No noticeable difference in battery life on my 3GS after moving to iOS5, but as apps are updating to the new OS the performance is taking a big hit. Lots of hangs.

Apple has had their best success in emerging products and markets. They haven't shown an ability to enter an established market and redefine it.

The Paradigm Mini Monitors are my benchmark for great and affordable small speakers. Any comparison notes, Andrew?

Shorter 2nd Gear: The stories everyone ran last week about the greedy UAW turning down the Ford contract have blown up in our faces, so instead of owning up on hyping a vote when 10% was in - here's a new way to shit on the union.

The reason they couldn't find someone to put enough money on the table is the providers refused to agree to a long-term content deal. Microsoft, Yahoo, and everyone else had no guarantee that if they paid billions today that they would have anything to stream three years from now.

I'm not asking this to be snarky, but how the fuck do you get to $150K on an Escort Cosworth? I did a few minutes of digging and the current market price for street cars tops out at 20,000 pounds. One owned by Jeremy Clarkson sold in 2007 for less than 17K. Even an ex-racer with a 700hp engine and new sequential

I'm pretty sure RIM had a backup plan, and I'd bet they test them regularly. But on a network of that scale it's impossible to test for every combination of failures and somehow they hit one that took down the entire network.*

I don't want to crack on Sam too hard, but I'd like to see him troubleshoot why failover didn't work on a two DC server setup. Then he can talk to RIM about why they don't immediately know how a massive, extremely high volume global network didn't survive the failure of a main switch.

Just checked my BES server, not seeing any movement on the mail queues.

Yeah, AS on 2003 can get hairy. We moved the last of our customers using 2003 to a hosted Exchange service last February and I don't miss it. On 2007 and 2010 I haven't had any problems.

It's not about iOS5 or iCloud - it's about Active Sync. If you have an iPhone or WP7 and your company runs email through Exchange, Active Sync gives you better reliability and features on your business email than BES even when it's working. And you're not paying another $12-25 a month per user to RIM.

Does anyone with a passing familiarity with practical IT work at Gizmodo? If they did, they damn well didn't write or edit this piece.