
This. I moved from Chicago to the New York area, and the theater here is fine, but not as good as Chicago. Perhaps when Arundel says Chicago doesn't do enough to attract people, he means Chicago theater needs to concentrate more on tourist friendly Disney musicals

"That said, i've heard Chicago has some decent food."

I'd go so far as to call this quaint. It's just cartoonish fun.

America's affection for casual rape in its prison system also seems to be a good way to ensure that a steady stream of hardened rapists are being created and released back into the general population on a regular basis.

If it makes you feel better, I was upvoting because of the Wawa love.

Another bonus to it is that it keeps the focus on the actor and their actual acting. Seeing Robert and his men sharing stories about the war was a lot more moving than cutting away from them to some younger actor playing him for a minute.

Fair enough. I haven't read it. I was just annoyed at the idea of it. I'm glad they at least did something good with it.

People keep buying them, and I love all the money I am making. I can't stop. You don't understand what a terrible position this it to be in!!!

One of my favorite things about the first season of Game of Thrones was that while the story of Robert's Rebellion came up a lot, it was always explored through conversation. We heard people's accounts of what happened. The show never did a flashback in that season. It made the whole thing more mysterious, subjective

This is C3PO's red arm in The Force Awakens. We didn't get an explanation, and that made it hilarious. So, of course, we needed a comic released to explain it so the joke could be killed dead.

And my least favorite Aerosmith song.

That's interesting. It seemed like a really strange choice for the movie to make.

Yeah. I remember that scene now that you mention it, although I am not clear on who Varys was talking to either. Thanks.

It does do a nice job of having raised stakes as well. Having everything go back to the rivalry with the Kobra Kai in the third movie feels completely out of place.

I actually do have vague memories of it. I just thought I would set someone else up if they wanted to the "Yes. I mean no" bit from The Simpsons. I try to give back to the community here.


I wouldn't say it is perfect, but I recently watched it for the first time since the '80s. I remembered it being terrible for some reason, but it's actually pretty good. Not as good as the first, and giving Miyagi a second tragic romantic backstory was a bit much, but I liked it.

That would be the thing mostly likely to get me to watch this.

Based on the people making it, that doesn't seem unlikely.

Seriously! And why are they doing karate in a Karate Kid movie? They are about kung fu!