Sure, but Sansa, the sister she doesn't really like, is there.
Sure, but Sansa, the sister she doesn't really like, is there.
At best, everyone in this fight was pretty awful, even if I did enjoy Yara as a character.
I did too, but I would rather see her dead than dragged into a season long team-up with the Sand Snakes. It was really for the best.
The Nymeria scene may have been the only time I felt an actual emotion during this episode.
The fact that you even need to ask already provides the answer.
In a better episode, Jorah's treatment would have been the most excruciating part to watch. However, this was an episode tried to make us care about the Missandei/Grey Worm romance, and it had sand snakes, so watching scales being cut off came in a distant third.
It varies.
No. I just skipped the Christmas Special. There was a lot of great stuff in that season. I liked the first part of the finale, but the second part just lost me for some reason. I think it was partly the Doctor being so willing to risk screwing up the universe just to save Clara. It's the kind of shortsightedness that…
I'm glad we are getting more of her in the Christmas Special at least. There is a small part of me that feels it is cheap to bring her back so quickly after seemingly have her depart last episode. The rest of me is just glad to get more Bill and and Doctor and told that small part of me to go fuck off.
Nothing anyone has said has encouraged me to go back and look at it despite my newfound enthusiasm for the show.
Yes. I always describe the show as an sci-fi anthology series that figured out a way to have a consistent main character for the audience to connect to.
Holding in all that regeneration energy leads to rapid hair growth.
Aside from the other issues people have brought up a typical Doctor Who episode has to introduce an entirely new time and/or place with its own characters. The more core cast you have, the less screentime/cast budget you have for new characters to flesh out the setting-of-the-week.
I was somewhat indifferent to Doctor Who leading into this season. I never even got around to watching the last Christmas special, but this season pulled me back in.
Especially as those UNIT episodes with the Second Doctor and the Brigadier were set in the future world of the 1980s.
Sure, but he makes movies. People that make movies are the only ones allowed to have opinions about them.
Exactly. He deserved to get fired, but he deserves the chance to learn a lesson and get on with his life.
I don't know it we have confirmation. The question is, where those books of strips from the '80s? I was reading the comic page in that decade and B.C. was decades old and tired at that point.
And they have been calcifying for so long. In the '80s, you have a few comic that were exciting: Calvin and Hobbes, Bloom County and The Far Side, but part of what made them stand out was how completely bland and dated almost everything else on the page was.
No. They just played a video of him there.