
I can't keep up with my TV watchlist as it is! I don't need infinite Golden Age TV timelines. I'm already living in the dimension where Twin Peaks got a third season.

So, is BBC America trimming these episodes down again? It came in at an hour, and there were a LOT of ads. For a while they swore of cutting down the episodes by having them run a little over an hour. I'd hate to think we were missing something here.

I probably wouldn't go that far, but the show never had her face any guilt at all for her actions. The Doctor called her out during his fakeout speech, but once that was over, he never brought up the horrible thing she had done.

A lot of things are cyclical. From my perspective in the middle, the Boomers and the Millennials seem to have a lot more in common with each other then either has with Gen X.

Stay Tuned with John Ritter.

That's definitely part of it. There is also the fact that assholes are often oblivious to being assholes, so they don't draw on those traits when acting. People that are generally nice and spend time around assholes are very conscious of what makes people assholes, and they can borrow those behaviors in a performance.

I remember making my parents watch that one night. About five minutes in my father was rolling his eyes. "Are you sure this is a good movie?" It only took about another fifteen minutes before it completely won him over.

Never assume the motivation behind a comment is anger when the motivation can be having nothing better to do with one's time.

I think you've forgotten how to do these.

Good counterpoint!

That is disturbingly possible.

Fine. If you've got that angle covered, I guess I'll go with hating him to keep things balanced.

I think this is the sixth time I have encountered this exact quote in this comment section, and I have laughed every time.

It's actually pronounced PEECEES.

I had no idea that was a chimp either, and I am a little amazed as well.

I kind of think it did. And for what it is worth, my parents ultimately did get their shit together and are still together 30 years later. And while my dad and I still had a few more years of bad blood, we are very close now.

I had Battlestar Galactica toys as a kid that I like better than the actual show, so I was somewhat curious, but once I saw they were throwing in Buck Rogers minis too, I've begun looking into embezzling money from my parents retirement account to make a bid.

Personally, my parents never divorced. They just separated three times during my teen years. I'm not sure that was preferable. Nothing worse than telling your dad you have had it with him and never want to see him again, then have him patch things up with your mother a day later and move back in.

When Jerry is the "bad guy" in an episode, it is usually because he is the one that wants Rick out the house. As an audience member, I don't want that to happen. However, if Rick was living in my house, I would fucking want him gone too.

Interesting point. It's like Jerry's terribleness is brought out by modern society. If society collapses, his terribleness goes away.