
Guns don't kill people. Hearts do.

After last night, I am wondering if Tuam really is interested in using those kids to torture that Russian kid. Maybe he just wants to hang out with some kids he actually likes and needs to justify a mission-critical reason to be allowed to do so.

On this show, any plan that doesn't result in straight-up murder is good-hearted.

Not that I noticed.

There is a five-minute extended improv version they are saving for the hilarious blooper reel that runs over the closing credits of soul-crushing season finale.

It's hard to believe my initial reaction in season two was "Who is this smug asshole?", yet now he is the character I am most hoping makes it through the show okay.

If things had gone to shit in season one, she might have been able to sell a story of just being duped, but she had been actively stealing information for a long time when she was busted. While I feel bad for Martha, from a legal perspective, there is no reason at all to be lenient.

I'm willing to go 100% sure on that.

Henry is going to be the Fortinbras of the story. It's just a question of whether anyone gets to be Horatio.

He spend the early part of the season constantly trying to show he has was a hardcore communist who hated America, but tonight really raised the question of how much that was an act, not really of a deceptive kind, but just him trying to be what he thought they wanted him to be.

It was common to pack multiple families into one apartment, not simply because of lack of housing, but so that you always had people you didn't really know in your home, and you had to watch what you said. Getting a nice place like that on your own is luxury.

"It's just a snack," may have been the saddest and most desperate lie of the season.

I did kind of enjoy Gabriel being rebuffed. I thought it was a real dick move to be complicit in recruiting Paige for years, then wait until the moment he was walking out the door to tell Philip that it was a mistake.

The Apple II has a much healthier game line-up at that time than the Mac did, even if the C-64 was moving in on its turf.

She can have the Better Call Saul style prequel about her early days working for Gaad, interspersed with black white scenes of her making sad potato meals.

Of course, that guy they killed in the lab has haunted Phillip like a ghost all season. And this episode we had the violence at a long-distance remove of the mujahidin dying of something that might be glanders.

I don't think anyone has ever gotten more mileage out of "Mmm" as a signature line as Keri Russell has.

Henry gets a lot of crap in the comments here, but I find him a pretty believable character.

I can't remember specifics, but it has been mentioned before Tuan is a loaner. It was much earlier in the season. I actually did a double take when I saw we are up to episode 9. This season has gone so fast.

DId anybody ever conquer Impossible Mission? That wasn't just hard, it wasn't even fun enough to master.