
We actually exiled Rupert Murdoch to America for not being enough of an asshole. He was considered the kindest, most beloved figure in Australian media.

That's why you @TheGhostOfDBoonsGhost:disqus shares his account with 100 people. He always has plausible deniability about what is in his history.

I'm pretty sure that was why Prime was excluded from this survey. It is such a no brainer purchase for the shipping alone that it becomes hard to measure it against services that are purely about streaming videos.

And you don't need to worry about storage for paid digital movies. I used to torrent movies back before it became easy to get them legitimately, and it is a great way to fill a hard drive quickly if you want Blu-Ray quality.

I can't get too worked up about this survey. Netflix legitimately lets you use it on two devices simultaneously, and college kids are still largely mooching off their parents. It's not that weird for them to be using their parents accounts.

That seems to read accurately.

The subtle messages buried in the art of this comic are easier to read than the light gray captions of the AV Club.

It's a cryptic enough message that it isn't going to win anybody over to your side. At best it is just a self-interested way of scoring cred points on your own team. At worst, it's a way of deliberately offending non-Muslim Jakartans.

Is it just me, or does Waters look deeply offended in the header pic? I had no idea that was an expression he was capable of.

Maybe I am loopy on child-induced sleep-deprivation, but I almost fell out of my chair laughing at that "camera killed his dad" line.

King just misses the days when every other book in a bookstore would have a blurb by Stephen King. This is his way of saying, "Hey, Jimmy! I'm right here if you are hard-up for a blurb. Gimme a call."

I expect he has sold an awful lot of movie rights though.

That assessment seems odd to me as it takes less craftsmanship to become a competent photographer than a competent painter. Being a painter, whether you are creating "art" or not is a hell of a lot craftier.

I'm not really arguing to change the name. It just felt like an odd argument. Defining rock & roll is incredibly hard once you get past the '50s,

See, that is an argument for not changing the name that makes sense to me.

At least that wouldn't have put people to sleep.

The other inductees weren't in Hughes' Instagram feed.

So, because there are a lot of people that aren't rock inducted into it, it would be disingenuous to change the name of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? Nope. Not following your argument there at all.

Now we have Trump in charge of the EPA, Cleveland had a real shot at reliving its greatest moment of glory.

We've even had an episode where she masqueraded as a college student, which isn't even vaguely plausible for her age. I think at some point they should have just had the kids start to age, either gradually or with a time jump. They clearly lost all interest in telling stories about elementary students a long time ago.