
I smoked for about two years. For the first week, nicotine was a pleasant, mild buzz. After that point, it was just something I did to make the naggy withdrawal go away. Having to go outside to smoke during a particularly cold winter made it easy to give up.

Hey, I upvoted it. Then again, I have a crippling digestive ailment, so any jokes along that line work better on me. It's why I liked the remake of The Ladykillers!

King does love the heavy-handed foreshadowing though.

Just to nitplck a little more, touch tone phones where cheap and widely available in the early '80s, and AT&T no longer had a monopoly on making them, so there was a wide variety available. Rotary phones were still around, but they were just holdovers.

Barb had two purchased movies on videotape? Movies cost between $80 and $100 back then. It's not impossible, but it's unlikely.

I worked at that largest Borders for years, and it got to a point where I would walk into any store that dealt in new books, and I was familiar with everything they had. It sucked all the fun out of them.

On the drinking thing, I'm an Australian that grew up in the Midwest. My parents often let me have a drink with dinner once I entered my mid-teens, maybe a couple on special occasions. It meant I was a far more sensible drinker than most of my American friends. I had some sense of perspective on it, while their

Maybe, We can't even get him to stay at the White House.

Dave tapping in to the live feed of McCain getting make-up put on was brutal. "Doesn't seem to be racing to the airport, does he?"

The "i don't have to save you" clause covers that.

Kind of strange that the article mentions 1st and 10, yet leaves out that the star was Delta Burke. You'd think that HBO's first sitcom being centered around a female character might be noteworthy.

Also, one point deducted for not mentioning Mr. Show when discussing HBO comedies.

He hasn't even gotten to the Yaz part. That's clearly why he doesn't like it yet!

The character drama in the back half of season one is the weakest part of the entire series. There is tension between the main couple through the whole show, but season one pitches it too high. They aren't going to get divorced because the show is about them as a family working together as spies. I just wasn't

That's my point. If the show hadn't had the showrunner leave after the sixth season, then a nine year hiatus, that final line would have been given by a Rory in her early 20s. It would have carried a different weight than a woman in her early 30s saying it.

Yeah, I just refreshed the page and saw that. Multiple jokes about an obscure American remake of a British show that has no valid connection to the show being discussed. Either the universe is trying to tell us something, or this is just a typical occurrence in the AV Club comment section. You decide.

Yes. I would like to say it was less puzzling if you actually watched the show, but I was just as confused as you seem to be now.

It would have worked fine if the show had lived a natural life cycle, with the finale occurring when Rory was still no older than college or just past it. It was clearly meant to be a cyclical thing her having a daughter at a young age.

That was season three.

That just makes it uncanny how tuned into the tone of this show you are.