
And must explain to everyone how he is right and they are wrong.

You know, I enjoy the motorsport for what it is. But I really hate that they glamorize the wrecks in this. They show them in the previews. They highlight them in the marketing. The announcers even say “if you’re looking for big wrecks, you’re in the right spot.”

First marbula one, now this...

Okay, but how do you feel about the car?

It looks good. 

I’ve been looking at the pictures for 5 minutes and I still can’t tell if it looks good or bad

Then put it on a Raptor bro-truck, baby!

Probably because Ueno Clinic is a male enhancement surgery center.

Pictured: Me believing you.

Some people equate bed bugs with cleanliness, and some third world countries do not have the same cleanliness standards as others.  The uneducated among them will jump to it being race-related.

I guarantee that there are racist people who blame bedbug infestations on people of other races though. 

This is the correct reponse

That quote opening is something. Was someone accusing bed bugs of racism?

This points out the HUGE problem we have with society here in this country right now. For years and years if there were signs that said stay out we stayed out except for a few asshats that would not abide. But now with YouTube and Instagram and a young generation of people that have never been told no this problem has

This is a really old test of Tesla Smart Summon, we’re quite sure this kind of thing won’t happen anymore probably. Thanks - Elon.

Gotta love LA.

Engine bay cover design inspired by

There are always people who can’t afford the cars they buy...

The badge.