
1. I don’t believe you for a fucking second.

Why do you think any of that is problematic? People aren’t allowed to have consensual sex in hotel rooms now? They guy hitting on employees at the convention is a dirtbag, but all this other shit is total nothingness. You should seriously be ashamed of yourself clutching pearls over this garbage article.

Why are they ALL pieces of crap though?

This was not well known and not part of his reputation. 

No it was not common knowledge at all.

Bull. Shit. You dishonest fuck. Hardly anybody in 2013 knew Cosby was suspected of anything.

This is before Cosby was known as a rapist, it’s really shitty of this site to hammer them on that. Sleazy reporting.

Why don’t you make a hit play then?

Trash like this makes me proud to be grey.

I just looked up this alleged controversy. The church isn’t anti-gay. It’s anti-gay marriage, like almost every church/synagogue/mosque on the fucking planet. Stop being a parody of yourself.

The things is, conservatives’ narrow definition of “CRT” are the things about it that are actually pretty shitty. Like Tema Okun.

This troll knows what its doing. Don’t fall for it.

Interracial dating is okay... for other people”


How many people out there scared of ‘socialism’ would ever vote for a Democrat in the first place?

Jaywalking’s actually illegal, unlike marrying an 18 year old. But you’re totally missing the point which is that you’re the one doing the false equivalency thing.

Listen to yourself. Just substitute all that with jaywalking.

Totally. Every single one is a quirky comedy about an old nerdy looking man falling in love with a 7 year old child.

Haven’t seen it yet and not saying he isn’t guilty, but I find it quite disturbing we live in a world where there are tons of people who think a guy dating his ex girlfriend’s adopted adult daughter means he’s the type of dude who would molest a 7 year old. Like if you honestly think there’s some kind of connection

You sound like someone whose entire contribution to progressive values last decade was to call between 5-15 different people ‘neckbeards’ every day online.

Yes they are. They are literally calling her an anti-Semite for this, and this was what triggered her termination.