
no fucking way with a blow-thru carb. Maybe if it had megasquirt and a manual trans and was 5k less...maybe.

how about the Mustang atm ... For atmosphere, a scientific measure of pressure equal to about 14psi- not the other meaning, which I know is exactly where your mind went you sick fuck.

based purely on schtick, tg America is the worst. They may be old but the three Brits still have better writers and more believable chemistry with one another than most of the others. The cast of tg America is weak and their shit is too contrived

what a nice compromise for the corporate executive who is unlucky enough to work for an operation that doesn't have their own aircraft. 20k is a steal vs having to buy and keep a plane of your own.

total cp. There are far better and much cheaper cars to chuck an ls into. Plus a subie without awd is just stupid. If this was a 240sx and about half the price then I'd hit it, but no thanks on this one.

not to minimalize any of this, but does that word even carry much meaning over in jolly old England? Here in America I can call you a tosser or wanker and it won't mean much- over there them is fightin' words. I realize it's aired globally so of course saying offensive shit is risky- but how would clarkson even know

porsche cayman. The boxster with its open roof is no good for hiding your overweight, single, middle-aged ass from female onlookers who might otherwise be interested in a p-car owner (oh he must be doing well...)

darwin= 1, dude=0

i actually voted nice price. There's no way in fucking hell I would ever buy this, but if you're a hardcore poseur then $30k isn't crazy. You probably would spend close to that to build one of your own (lots of finicky fiberglass work and many days of sanding to pull off a kit car = lots of dough spent at the body

remember when TRD used to sell supercharger kits that you could bolt onto Tacoma's and scion TCs and they wouldn't void the warranty? Why can't they do that?

an automotive kickflip would be more impressive. But that's still pretty cool

how well does it do brakestands? Defeateable traction control?

My uncle Bob used to have two dolphin motorhomes on Toyota chassis'. One was a v6 auto and the other a 5 speed hooked to a 22re- both on 1 ton dually axles. Those were fucking awesome RVs.

mazda5. It's not a mazda3, but it is. It's not a minivan, but it is. I own one and it's the most versatile vehicle for a family of four plus a dog, and I park it in a parking garage which I'm sure is totally annoying in a real minivan. Plus my wife isn't embarrassed to drive it...

this is so true. I laugh every time I see granny zipping around town in a Nissan cube or a Prius c.

THANK YOU. I'm so sick of marketing people telling us what cars we don't want to buy. Marketing is a big guessing game and involves a lot of fuzzy math and "focus groups" that really don't tell you shit. The inferences that are made from the quasi-data they collect are suspect at best, and flat out wrong sometimes.

From what I've heard (no pun) you risk a lot more than your hearing every time you drive in Mumbai. I would wear earplugs, a crash helmet, Kevlar vest, steel toed boots, blood transfusion information, and dogtags... And money for bribes.

CP... And I have a soft spot for old Nissans too, just not underpowered overpriced ones that shift themselves.

Skimmed over the article in 10 seconds... Crack pipe. It's a shame the 'diesel economy' in this country is such that they are so rare. I've seen Land cruisers that should be 4 figures, but a simple diesel swap puts it over 20 grand??

Looks pretty rust free... For 25hunnit I'd hit that shit.