To quote Terry Crews, “no one gets a pass”. These are grown ass men that know the shit that they’re pulling is wrong. I’m not going to play the “whose molestation is worst” game. Act like a damn adult, or expect to be cancelled.
To quote Terry Crews, “no one gets a pass”. These are grown ass men that know the shit that they’re pulling is wrong. I’m not going to play the “whose molestation is worst” game. Act like a damn adult, or expect to be cancelled.
55 year old men who do that are not neophytes. That pose spoke to his worldview, and you bet your ass it was a power trip. That photo was meant to humiliate her. Did you not read the original article and her account?
They treated Tara like garbage. I’m glad she’s on Queen Sugar now - the show is worthy of her.
Good for her! Whenever I see her I can’t help but get angry at how ‘True Blood’ never let Tara catch a break.
They raping everybody out here.
Seriously! Along with a second Franken accuser, Charlie Fucking Rose?!!!! Motherfucking hell, what an self-entitled asshole.
Listen. 2:1 ratio water and rice. You need twice as much water as you have rice. 1 cup of rice? 2 cups of water.
-Boil your water
-Toss in some salt
-Add half a cap to a capful of vinegar depending on how much rice you’re making
-Pour in your rice
-Put the lid on
-Turn your fire to low
-Walk away for 20…
“You know how the media are. They wait for a mistake and that’s all you are. It happened to Hitler. No one ever talks about his paintings.”
Two of my favorite things in the whole world.
Good luck on that since you aren’t even equating the value of Black feminist voices, the Root and other Black folks to that of your own. You’re calling us prejudiced because we don’t see the world as you see it.
O.M.G. Just stop.
I am beyond tired of being a white woman that is expected to apologize
Time for white women to invest in Zinzi Clemmons. #subscribe
As a woman interviewed by the Root said earlier this week: “Racism is white people’s problem. They started it. They need to fix it.”
Lena Dunham is the human equivalent of the Springfield perpetual tire fire on the Simpsons. It’s long past time we stopped making the things she says and does signposts for third wave feminism. Her attention-seeking brattiness will only stop if she stops getting headlines.
I think it was GELLA yesterday who posted the wall of apologies Lena Dunham has had to make over the years and that plus the above account of the friend who’d use the n word “as a joke”, it gives a very clear picture of the bubble she lives in. People like that are priviledged personified. It’s very easy for me to…