
What kind of jerk would choose that bobo ice cream over the good stuff. I mean have those people never tried Jeni’s or Talenti Gelato? That shit is worth $8 for a tiny pint.

Guys, I’ve been making sorbets all summer and I can’t believe I let my ice cream machine just sit for so long in the past. Mango sorbet, peach sorbet, nectarine sorbet.... just blend the shit out of fruit, pass it through a strainer, add in 1/4 cup sugar per cup of puree, and a couple tablespoons of alcohol (keeps it

The fact that Lil Duval even has a platform.

I think that you embody an important concept that more people could stand to have drilled into their heads: you cannot be “shamed” if you do not allow yourself to feel shame.

Hey, girl! You awesome. Just letting you know about something that you already know.

WTF is the big deal? Pick pocketers, $15 hamburgers, and long wait times were mostly what I remember.

You ... don’t know that it was actually a WOC who founded Jezebel, do you?

This man’s past racism is not on par with someone being a jerk. And that’s why all this praise for this apology is bullshit.

Now playing

I’d rather call you “uninformed”, since you pulled that Dr. King card before fully understanding that he wanted reparations precisely because white folks came to America and had their 40 acres and a mule handed to them by the federal government:

Try by changing the ideologies of other whites. Try by standing up to white supremacy at every chance you get. Try by petitioning your local government and police forces when injustices occur. Try by doing good deeds selflessly, instead of for absolving your own guilt. Black victims don’t need your condolences.

WWJD? He would change water into wine and keep the party going. His miracles were biblical petty. How many times you think he was doubted ? Ask Thomas, he’ll confirm.

Snark all you want, but Putin has his narrative written and he sticks to message, and so does everyone else working for or affiliated with the ministry of “mass media” aka propaganda. Our president literally cannot read a pre-written statement to a group of boy scouts without losing it.

Wattpad with Hulu had a contest to write a short story for The Handmaids Tale to coincide with the season finale. On Friday I learned that I and another 9 writers were hand picked by Margret Atwood as the winners!

Tilda Swinton. Ugh.

Fun fact: Friends was made as a white version of Living Single.

Yeah, working as a server and in medical billing has made me a much, much kinder person.

Agreed. She probably sucks....but so does this server.

Maybe, but I’ve definitely encountered people who treat waitstaff like shit and follow with “I worked in the service industry so I know this person should do better”

Just as White Allies are about to get a ticker-tape parade through the city JJ come and fucking dunk on em. Dyn-o-mite indeed.