
WTF is this supposed to be???!!!???

WTF is this supposed to be???!!!???

Catholic School nuns did this crap to me all the time.

What!!!????!!! I thought everything on the internet was Real!!! When did this happen???

Easier way to do it...

That happened to me!!!!

What’s wrong with that stuff? It looks perfectly natural.

Who Cares About These Illuminati People!!!!

Better Bat Dance

Best Batman Ever!!!

I had hoped Broccoli would be extinct in the future.

Sounds like the store person was a bit freaked out and worried. Wasted my time reading this.

Who ya gonna call???

I see the plastination all the time modeling clothes at clothing stores. It’s a conspiracy I tell you!!!!

Fairly certain it’s Poe Dameron

Looks like a foreskin to me