Big Pete Bondurant

Love that sketch!


This season of FARGO is TRASH

It had its time and Varga is awful.

2 episodes is enough to make a judgment call on, and "interesting" is the opposite of satisfying.

Yeah, something is wrong.

That line was way too forced and mannered. I'm out, no more season 3 for me.



It's not the same actor, but I also immediately thought that Lyle was Sketchy. I kind of doubt VG would do something like that accidentally, so until I hear otherwise I'm going to assume Lyle becomes him between now and BREAKING BAD.

They knew. Lydia mentions the DEA is looking for Jesse late in season 5.

If Wendell doesn't eat, nobody eats!


There are weeks, sometimes months, in fact, when I don't make a post at all, because there simply is no play.


This isn't really a critique, because you're criticizing the show just for existing, not for any faults it has. This is more of a subjective problem with you not liking what they're doing, instead of them doing something wrong. It's basically they didn't make the show you wanted. Not attacking you, but just saying

Rolling his EYES at GOD

Rolling his EYES at GOD

Bah! He is a rank amateur compared to DOCTOR COLOSSUS!

Meadow plots were also terrible